

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Our summer colds just won’t go away!

By now, both Sue and I had hoped that we would have been over the worst of our summer colds ... but we are not!

We have to go out to do some shopping later today, but other than that, I expect that will spend most of our time reading, dozing, and watching TV and DVDs. With luck, we shall be over the worst by the weekend, especially as we have several things that I want to get on with. Top of my list are the first two battles of my Eastern Front/Great Patriotic War mini-campaign and completing the P17CW book.


  1. Replies
    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      Cheers! The sooner I feel better, the better I will feel ... and with a bit of luck, the worst of the cold should have gone by the weekend.

      All the best,


  2. Hi Bob,
    I'm very glad you have Posted to-night as I was getting rather concerned and worried about you. As you say - hopefully by the end of the weekend the worst will be over and you can move onto your Games and enjoy them fully. Snow to the south of the State here to-day with some very chilly winds blowing our way - bit cold up in the shed to-night and I've needed the heater ON. Had a rest today from my 18mm Imaginations figure painting with four Infantry Regiments to go and two units of Cavalry. All the Best to you Bob and Sue. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      To be truthful, I really didn’t feel much like blogging until this morning, and only just about managed to raise the energy and enthusiasm to do so.

      I’m hoping that I will be feeling much better by the weekend. The weather here has gone from being hot to being cold and damp, and we have been told to expect rain for the next few days. The miserable weather isn’t doing much to raise our spirits. At least when it was hot and sunny I could have sat in the conservatory, basking in the heat of the sun.

      You really seem to be cracking on with your imagination-nations project, and I hope to read your battle reports in the near future.

      All the best,


  3. Well Bob, following my last comment here I also now have developed full blown cold/flu symptoms (non Covid). Spent a couple of hours in bed this morning after a bad nights sleep, feel completely washed out.Seems to be a lot of it about Bob. Get well soon :)

    1. ‘Lee,

      I must admit that this cold has knocked the stuffing out of me, and I don’t seem to be getting over it as quickly as I normally do. Like you, I feel completely drained, and seem to be spendIng a lot of time dozing, reading, and watching TV.

      I hope that you feel better soon.

      All the best,


  4. Replies
    1. Tradgardmastare,

      Cheers! With luck, I hope to be feeling much better by the weekend.

      All the best,


  5. Patience is a Virtue and Time Heals. If only these old bits of wisdom were as useful and comforting as they true.

    1. Ross Mac,

      They are useful and they are true!

      All the best,


  6. Hi Bob

    Sometimes you just have to listen to your body - and give in.

    Forget about "duty" and what you feel you should be doing. Just pamper yourselves for a couple of days until you feel better.

    All of the projects will still be there, and you will enjoy them all the more for a break.

    best regards


    1. Thistlebarrow (Paul),

      You are quite right. My problem is that I don’t like giving in to things like colds and ‘flu ... but in this instance I think that I ought to just take things easy for the next few days so that I can get better quicker.

      All the best,



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