

Sunday 8 August 2021

Balkan League book

After a rather stuttering start, I have begun work on turning my Balkan League Matrix Game and tabletop rules into a book. As I have lost the original text files from the early 1990s, I am currently transcribing the text that was published in THE NUGGET and WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED into a format that I can work with. Once that is done, I will tidy up the maps and begin laying out the book.

I hope to make the book as user friendly as possible and want to include pages that can be photocopied by users (e.g. player briefings, copies of the maps, the matrix cards, etc.). I would also like to include a set of PORTABLE WARGAME army-level rules.

I have no idea how long this book will take to put together, but it will be a project that I can work on whilst our kitchen is being revamped and in parallel with work on my FUNNY LITTLE WARS/PORTABLE WARGAME Army Black.


  1. Hi BOB,
    It is good that you have the Balkan Project to work on as well as FLW too. Hope your Kitchen goes well and that your not inconvenienced - stay safe and well there in London. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      I like to have a couple of projects on the go at the same time, and it makes sense to have a mix of practical and mental things to work on. This gives both variety and doing one gives a bit of relief from the other.

      All the best,


  2. Sounds good, especially the Army level P.W. rules (which might come in handy for battles generated by "Viva la Muerta" too). But what happened to the A.C.W. portable wargame book ?
    Hope this finds you well,
    Take care,

    1. Unknown (Tony),

      The army-level rules seem to be the next logical step to take with regard to the PW concept. Other PW enthusiasts are working along similar lines, and their work has inspired me.

      The PACWW book is currently on hold whilst I wait from the two contributors to complete work on their sections. Once I receive their chapters, I hope that I can restart work on the book.

      All the best,


  3. I'll be looking forward to both books, I haven't been disappointed yet. The P.W. stable has even given me an interest in naval gaming.
    Take care,

    1. Unknown (Tony),

      That is great ... especially as it has kindled an interest in naval wargaming, my first love!

      All the best,


  4. Hi Bob -
    It looks as though the Second Blacklands War might have to wait upon BLMG/PW book coming out! Not that that's any hardship - what with the 'darkest Aithiops' having been in semi-limbo for a few weeks, and work being done on my fourth Imagi-Nations Army, the ongoing Sengoku Wars project starting up again, and my Izumrud-Zeleniya Army getting a contingent of HaT Cossacks.

    That would be plenty to write up on my blog - but getting finger to keyboard is the sticking point right now...

    Seems at the moment you have plenty going on to keep up the interest!

    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      I am certainly looking forward to seeing the next instalments in both your Blacklands War and darkest Athiops projects, and I will do everything that I can do to spur you on to develop both of them. Hopefully you will not have to wait too long for me to get the Balkan Wars book done.

      In the meantime, I would love to read more about your fourth imagi-nations army, your Sengoku Wars project, and the HaT Cossacks.

      All the best,


    2. Bob -
      Well - we've something om this evening that should kick things along a little. I can fill in what's happened between the capture of Kachinga and the Action of ...

      Maybe that will get the blog spot going again.

    3. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      This all sounds very, very interesting, and I look forward to reading more on your blog in the near future.

      All the best,



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