

Wednesday 18 August 2021

My latest book sales figures

It is exactly four months since I last looked at my book sales figures. For some reason, I have not felt the need to see how well my books have been selling of late, and I must admit that it was an interesting exercise to compare them with April's figures.

In April, my sales figures looked like this:

This month, they look like this:

There are major or unexpected changes. The wargame books continue to sell well, and the latest addition has certainly done better than I had expected as the Spanish Civil War is a rather niche market. As to my other books ... well, they are still on sale but do not seem to be selling at all!

Never mind, I won't withdraw them just in case someone wants to buy a copy or two one day ... however doubtful that might be!


  1. Hi BOB,
    You must be very pleased with these latest figures 5,620 Books is a real lot with much to be proud about- definitely encouraging for you. Hope your FLW in 15mm is progressing well. Stay safe there. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      When I look back, I only expected to sell a total of about one hundred books. I never dreamed that I would sell almost nine thousand electronic and printed copies.

      My Army Black units are fixed to their bases, and I hope to add the flock tomorrow. Once that is done, I can move on to do the artillery.

      Keep safe and keep well,


  2. Congratulations on getting your books out there. More power to your elbow!

    1. Donjondo,

      Cheers! I have at least three PW-related books in various stages of planning, so I have plenty to occupy me for the foreseeable future.

      All the best,


  3. Your next book needs to be Portable Wargame related and be about a ‘favorite’ period if you want it sell. The ACW might do the American market, but something WW2 would be the best bet.

    1. Steve8,

      The ACW book will be a cooperative effort with two other writers. As to a possible WW2 book … well, it is certainly something I plan to do, but I’m not sure when.

      All the best,



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