

Saturday 4 September 2021

A sort of synchronicity ...

It could almost have been planned ... but it wasn't!

On Thursday, Archduke Piccolo wrote the first of several blog posts about the recent refight he has staged of the Battle of Waterloo ...

... and on Friday ABBA, who are of course famous for their first worldwide hit song WATERLOO, released their first song in forty years!

I don't know if these two things are linked other than in my fetid imagination, but the fact that they appeared at almost the same time has a sort of synchronicity about it.

Please note that the photograph featured above is © Archduke Piccolo.


  1. Hi Bob -
    'Fetid'? You sure the word you were groping for wasn't 'fervid'? Just askin'...
    Thanks for the plug.

    1. Archduke Piccolo,

      Ah! The joys of not spotting what is probably the result of an autocorrection!

      I thought that I had written fervid … but for some reason I either mistyped the word or it was subject to autocorrection. As to the plug … well, it is well deserved.

      All the best,


  2. Hi BOB,
    Good news that ABBA have done new songs- they were very popular here in Australia and still are decades later after their visit in the 70s. Strange how the group has waited 40 years to rekindle their music. Things aren't to good here with the Pandemic- the only light is that the rate of Vaccination is increasing for our state of New South Wales...still the mood seems very gloomy and stifling in Lock Down. Stay safe and well there in London. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      I understand that ABBA is going to have a concert in London in the future where they will be ‘present’ as avatars! The world gets stranger every day!

      There is a debate going on in the UK about whether or not 12 to 15 year-olds should be vaccinated … just as infections amongst Scottish schoolchildren are beginning to rise. (Schools in Scotland have earlier summer holidays than the rest of the UK.) I understand that the UK is going to supply four million doses of vaccine to Australia ASAP, and that these will be replaced by doses from Australia in the future. Hopefully this will help get your country out of lockdown sooner rather than later.

      Stay safe and stay well,


  3. Now you've done it! Grrrr. I'll have bloody ABBA in my head all day. I'll have to go and find some Finnish Desth Metal now to drive out the demons!

    1. Jon S,

      Unfortunately, their tunes do rather have an ‘ear worm’ quality! I found myself humming ‘Waterloo’ in the shower, which led to my blog post being written.

      Enjoy your Finnish Death Metal music. It’s good to know that someone does! ;^)

      All the best,


  4. Ditto on the ear worm. I shall have to counter it with some Caravan Palace! I'm eagerly awaiting the remainder of the battle report.

    1. Mark Cordone,

      I tried ‘killing’ the ear worm by playing my CD of war film music … and now I’m humming ‘Aces High’!

      I’m also looking forward to the next part of the Archduke’s battle report.

      All the best,


  5. Your post reminds me of one of my favorite movies from the 80s, Repo Man. It was a punk rock cult classic, my wife and I even have some favorite lines from the movie that we swap to this day.
    One character, the oddest of all of them, talks about there being a"...cosmic lattice of coincidence. Say you're thinking of a plate of shrimp and outta the blue someone says Plate, or Shrimp, or Plate of Shrimp. There ain't no point in looking for a reason. It just happens..."
    You have just taken part in that lattice of coincidence Bob. Just go with it. *Laughing emoji*

    1. Mr. Pavone,

      ‘Cosmic lattice of coincidence’ sounds like a great way to explain it!

      It’s interesting how lines from a film can become a form of shorthand amongst partners. My wife and I use the expression ‘Tanner tips’ if we seem a woman who is drunk, loud, and usually overdressed for her age. It comes from the dialogue of the film THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING, when Peachy says to the District Commissioner ‘Home to what? A porter's uniform outside a restaurant and tanner tips from belching civilians for closing cab doors on them and their blowzy women?’

      All the best,


    2. Me: eating a sandwich over the sink or on a napkin
      My Wife: "Put it on a plate son, you'll enjoy it more."
      Me: "It doesn't get any better than this, mom!"

  6. I thought Synchronicity was by The Police... ha ha

    1. Fitz-Badger,

      You are in danger of starting off another ear worm!

      All the best,


  7. Synchronicity indeed and a reference to The Police ( musically speaking) too.

    1. Tradgardmastare,

      Until Fitz-Badger mentioned it, I’d forgotten about the song by the Police … and now it’s stuck in my head as another ear worm!

      All the best,



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