

Friday 15 October 2021

Army Kepi Rouge gets some supply units

Over the past week I have managed to varnish and base some supply units for my FUNNY LITTLE WARS/PORTABLE WARGAME ARMY KEPI ROUGE.

I have also varnished enough infantry to form six more units as well as three half-battalions of engineers. As yet they have no officers ... but I have ordered what I hope will be some suitable figures, and once they are painted, I can base up the infantry and engineers. I can then source and paint the artillery, cavalry, and commanders that I need to complete this army.


  1. Very nice, you can never have too many pack mules. They are so useful in many different scenarios.

    1. Mark Cordone,

      Like trucks, you can never have too many pack mules or horses! I love them, and even have some amongst my 20mm WW2 armies.

      All the best,


  2. Hi BOB,
    Nice going there on the Supply Units- great painting. Certainly looking forward to seeing the completed Armies. Your making very steady good progress on your FLW Project. Best Wishes. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      The mules were painted by a professional figure painter, but I did paint the figures in ARMY KEPI ROUGE uniforms.

      I’m getting there, but it is a slow process; however, creating these FLW/PW armies is giving me a great deal of pleasure.

      All the best,



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