

Monday 31 January 2022

A minor diversion

So far, I have been using squares of thin plywood to form the 3 x 3 squared grid I have been using for my fast play 3 x 3 PORTABLE WARGAME battles, but if I am going to use this system regularly in the future, I really need to have something better.

With this in mind, over the weekend I have been working on creating a number of 10cm x 10xm square terrain tiles. They are based on a number of wooden boxes that I had to hand, and I have painted the sides matt black and flocked the surface with naturally-coloured, fine granulated cork. This is the same basing material that I use on most of my figure bases, and I am hoping that this with enhance the aesthetic look of my battles.

To date I have made nine plain tiles, and I am very pleased with the way they have turned out. Over the next week or so, I will probably make a few more with rivers marked on them (possibly using my new pyrogravure tool!) and one or two with hills fixed to them. It will certainly give me a small project to work on whilst I continue to fight the Stalbanian-Khakistan War.


  1. Bob,
    Inspired by your post, I'm going to make some very similar tiles, but using some cork-backed square coasters I bought very cheaply in the Cats Protection shop, covering the original pictures of assorted felines with some imitation grass I found years ago in LIDL (as my ImgiNations armies fight in temperate climes, rather than deserts), appropriately coloured/textured cloth for roads, fields of ploughed earth and crops and sugar paper rivers. I think I will make separate, free standing hills for greater flexibility.
    Best wishes, Arthur

    1. Arthur1815 (Arthur),

      It sounds as if you have a nice little project on your hands! The cheap coasters will be robust enough to take a lot of handling, and the LIDL artificial grass will be an ideal covering for them.

      All the best,



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