

Tuesday 9 August 2022

A Gallimaufry of Colonial Wargames

I have put together a compilation of some of the Colonial wargames rules I’ve written over the years, and they are now on sale at Wargames Vault in PDF format.

Included in the book are:

  • Bundock and Bayonet
  • 'Ere'st o you Fuzzy Wuzzy
  • Hordes of Dervishes
  • Heroes of Victoria's Empire (HoVE)
  • Restless Natives
  • Colonial rules for Heroscape terrain
  • Redcoats & Dervishes
  • SCWaRes: Simple Colonial Wargame Rules

The gallimaufry is on sale for £7.50 and will not be published in soft or hardback formats.


  1. I have been considering Heroscape terrain since learning a second edition is on the way. Might buy it just for that.
    I still have Bundok and Bayonet to try, too - which I first remember promoted on the Major General's site twenty years ago!

    1. Jennifer,

      The 'Bundock and Bayonet' rules have proven popular over the years, and have even been adapted by one group of wargamers for refighting battles from the Spanish Civil War.

      All the best,


  2. Bob, I enjoyed re-visiting your rules and seeing many new ones in this collection. It reminded me how insular gamers, (ie me!) can be as we each follow our own historical interests or gaming styles. I had hoped to re-ignite my friends colonial gaming interests with your rules but perhaps I was hoping for a "big bang" like development in our distant but nearby gaming worlds, when perhaps its going to be a slower fermenting of ideas and games given both I and my friend have had 60 plus years each of developing our own interests in our own way!! But thanks for publishing and making so many ideas available in one place (collection) albeit pdfs seem far harder to take liking to than a good paper collection... sorry book!! All best Carl Luxford

    1. Anonymous (Carl Luxford),

      I’m really pleased that you enjoyed my latest book. I published it because by doing so I could give potential players lots of different ideas about how to design their own rules. I recently had an online ‘conversation’ with someone who could not understand why I wrote my own rules rather than buy the Osprey rules that he used. I tried to explain that the rules he was so passionate about started out as a bunch of ideas that the writer had developed into a set of published rules, but he didn’t seem to be able to grasp that.

      All the best,



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