

Wednesday 24 August 2022

Feeling a bit better today

I woke up this morning feeling better than I have done for several days. I still have a bit of joint pain and general fatigue, but my nose is no longer running, and the headache seems to have gone, along with the stomach pain and diarrhoea. I'm certainly not back to feeling 100%, but I am well enough to get on with some of the things that have been awaiting my attention.

Taking part in a Zoom session last night with several other members of Wargame Developments helped to lift my sagging spirits (we were playing through the first few moves of the Herring War of 1912/The Second Herring War) as did doing a couple of hours of Spring cleaning during the day. The latter left me very hot and sweaty, and afterwards I had a hot shower and a sleep ... and when I woke up, I had already begun to feel a bit better.

I know that there is an Old Wives' Tale that it is possible to 'sweat out a cold', but the scientific evidence says that this is a load of old rubbish. That said, there is some agreement that mild to moderate, low-impact exercise for 30 to 45 minutes (such as cleaning windows) can give one's body's an immune and metabolic boost that will help fight off infection, and that a hot shower can help clear up cold-related nasal congestion. Sleep also helps ... so it may well be that it is an Old Wives' Tale that has a grain of truth in it!

Back in my twenties (Is it really fifty years ago? It doesn't seem that long!) I used to find that eating a really hot curry helped me to get over a cold quickly. I would walk to the local Indian takeway, buy a chicken vindaloo, take it home and eat it, have a hot bath, and then go to bed. Overnight I would toss abd turn and sweat profusely ... and wake up feeling much better. Alas, nowadays this 'remedy' is no longer available to me as I have been warned off spicey food by my doctor and Sue has an allergy to some of the spices used to make a curry.


  1. Glad you're feeling better Bob. Post covid I was having minor cases of long covid symptoms, many of which you describe. Luckily after about 10 days they had all gone. When I get a cold (rare these days) I don't feel better until the fever/sweat has broken.

    1. Steve J.,

      Back in the 1990s I caught a virus that triggered myalgic encephalomyelitis AKA chronic fatigue syndrome. I was ill and off work for over six months, and for years afterwards, every time I caught a cold or flu, I was off work for at least a week.

      Doing something that helps one to sweat in order to break the fever does seem to work, although I cannot find any evidence to suggest that it is the correct medical approach to use.

      All the best,


  2. BOB,
    Glad to hear you are feeling better to-day. Yes- it takes time to get over the cold or flu...give it time and you'll be back to normal. Looking forward to reading your posts about your Imaginations Project. Best Wishes. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      Cheers! I’m still feeling tired and a bit listless, but I am certainly on the mend. I may not be 100% better yet, but I’m getting there!

      All the best,


  3. I think there's a kernel of truth to those olde tymie home cures. If doing something simple like moving about a bit or taking a hot shower helps you lift your spirits and it can make the process of healing a little more bearable, then it's its own form of medicine.
    Glad you're feeling better :)

    1. Mr. Pavone,

      Thanks for your best wishes.

      In my opinion, anything that helps to raise one’s morale will do you some good, even if there’s no medical proof that it actually helps to defeat a virus. I’m a great believer in positive thinking … although there are times when it can be difficult to be so.

      All the best,


  4. Replies
    1. Nundanket,

      I’ve managed to take part in three online wargames in two days, and that has helped me to recover.

      All the best,


    2. Wow! That must be quite the tonic! 3 in 2 days is going some, even for virtual games.

    3. Anonymous,

      Two of the games used my Fast Play 3 x 3 Napoleonic Portable Wargames, and each of the battles took less than a hour to fight to a conclusion.

      All the best,


  5. Any moderate activity is vastly preferable to just lying down if you want to avoid a chest infection.

    1. Nigel Drury,

      It’s one reason why I have been vaccinated against catching pneumonia.

      All the best,


  6. StuRat,

    Onion rings? I’ve never heard of that cure … although I have heard of people eating raw onions or garlic to cure a cold!

    I try to take regular exercise as I know how therapeutic it can be, both for one’s physical and mental well-being.

    All the best,


  7. Replies
    1. Mark Cordone,

      Cheers! Still not quite 100% recovered, but well on the way to being so.

      All the best,



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