

Saturday 3 December 2022

A visit to Loughton, Essex

Later this morning I will be travelling to Loughton in Essex to attend Saturday daytime Masonic Lodge meeting.

Most Masonic Lodges meet late in the afternoon/early in the evening, but a number meet during the day or on a Saturday. The Lodge I am visiting (Brooke Lodge No.2005 in the Province of Essex) meets at 11.00am on a Saturday, which is very unusual, but from what I gather, this has made it a very attractive Lodge to join for people who find meeting on a weekday afternoon or evening.

I will be attending the meeting as a guest of the Worshipful Master, who I helped to Initiate into Freemasonry … and today I will be watching him Initiate a new Freemason for the first time. There is a nice symmetry to this … and that is one of the reasons I’m particularly looking forward to this meeting.

1 comment:

  1. Just got back from a superb meeting. Visiting other Masonic Lodges is always enjoyable, but this time it was even better than usual. The Worshipful Master is the son-in-law of one of my best friends in Freemasonry, who died a few years ago. I can remember his Initiation, Passing, and Raising, and we were sorry when the demands of his work forced him to move to his new Lodge. Seeing him today running his Lodge with friendly authority made me realise how being a Freemason can bring out the best in so many people. One of the main aims of The Craft is make good men better … and I saw that today.


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