

Sunday 26 February 2023

Kato N-gauge model railway track

On the advice of several more experienced railway modellers, I have bought a Kato M1 Starter Set with controller via eBay.

It was delivered a few days ago, and having seen the track, I can see why it was recommended to a novice like me. The track clips together very easily, and the rails and sleepers come already fitted to the track bed. I hope to build an oval of track in the near future and to give some of my locos a test run. Once I’m happy that I have a better understanding of how to put together a small layout, I hope to begin planning a small, military-related one.

As I live close to the site of the former Woolwich Arsenal, an arms factory might be suitable option for me to model. Because my locomotives are based on German originals, a factory inspired by the ones operated by Krupps makes sense, but rather than use that name, I am tempted to ‘steal’ a similar name from Hergé and to call my arms company the Korrupt Arms GmbH or - with a little tweaking of the locomotives and rolling stock - the Vikings Arms Company Limited.

The Kato M1 Starter Set includes:

  • 1 x Kato 22-014 Mains Controller
  • 4 x #20-000 248mm Straight Track
  • 1 x #20-020 124mm Straight Track
  • 1 x #20-021 124mm Road Crossing Track
  • 1 x #20-040 62mm Straight Track
  • 1 x #20-041 62mm Feeder Track
  • 8 x #20-120 315mm Radius 45º Curve Track


  1. Bob,
    Good to see you have the KATO Track set with Controller - you'll be well pleased- as KATO is a quality product. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      It came highly recommended, and although it wasn’t cheap, it was no more expensive than buying the equivalent sort of package for one of the other manufacturers. The fact that it came with the trackbed already fitted was a big plus in my book, and I’ve since discovered that there a track joiners on sale that mean I could connect the Kato track to my PECO track if I want to at some time in the future.

      All the best,



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