

Saturday 25 March 2023

Miniature Wargames No.480 April 2023 ... and SALUTE at 50

It seems to be my week for buying glossy wargame magazines! Having bought a copy of WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED earlier this week, yesterday I bought the latest issue of MINIATURE WARGAMES.

I actually bought it for two things. Firstly, Arthur Harman's article entitled 'Return to the Wells', which included some simple ideas for improving the rules from H G Wells's LITTLE WARS, and secondly for the guide to this year's SALUTE wargame show. I wanted to see what was going to be taking place at the show before deciding whether or not to go.

Having read the SALUTE guide, I'm still undecided as to whether or not I will go, but as I can actually see the venue (ExCel, London) from the driveway of my house, it seems silly not to. I'm certainly going to give it a bit more consideration before I make any final decision, but on balance I think that I am more likely to be there than not.

This SALUTE marks the fiftieth year that the show has been running, and over that time I have probably been to at least half of them. South London Warlords had been staging their show for seven years before Wargame Developments was founded and at various times WD has put on games at SALUTE. Looking back through my files I can find photos from several of them, and I have included some of them below. Quite a few of them feature members of WD either taking part and/or running a game at SALUTE.

2003: Restless Natives

2005: Megablitz

2006: Red Flags and Iron Crosses

2009: Solferino in Thirty Minutes


  1. Replies
    1. John Curry,

      We ran some memorable games at SALUTE and I wish that I had photos of more of them.

      All the best,


  2. Replies
    1. Geordie an Exile FoG,

      I think that you need to check the predictive text on your computer. For some reason is has substituted 'rogues gallery' for 'images of distinguished members of Wargame Developments'! :^)

      All the best,


    2. Hello Bob and Geordie,

      I have to say that the predictive text was probably bang on the money although I couldn’t possibly comment…..

      All the best,


    3. David Crook,

      Well, as one rogue to another …

      All the best,



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