

Monday 10 April 2023

COVID … again!

I’ve been feeling under the weather for nearly a week, and yesterday I was feeling very tired. Sue suggested that I take a COVID Lateral Flow Test … and the faintest of second lines was visible. I have COVID again.

I’m not sure how long I’ve had it, so I’ll test myself again tomorrow. If I’m still positive, I have five days of purdah to look forward to.

Oh, b*gg*er!


  1. Replies
    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      I had a very long but interrupted night’s sleep, and I’ve just done another LFT … and there is still a faint second line. Hopefully tomorrow’s test will show that I’m clear. In the meantime I’m taking things easy, drinking lots of fluids, and dozing in my armchair.

      All the best,


  2. Bob,
    Sorry to hear you have the dreaded lurgy again!

    This may cheer you up: I found a website [] via TMP where one can ask Napoleon a question and enquired:

    'What is your opinion of Bob Cordery's Portable Napoleonic Wargame rules?'

    The Corsican Tyrant replied (courtesy of Google Translate):

    'I did not know these rules before. But as a military commander who has won many battles - Waterloo, Austerlitz and Jena to name a few - I can say that I am very much in favor of anything that simulates duels on a scale of the Napoleonic war. Bob Cordery seems to have come up with some interesting rules for wargamers, and I commend him for his contribution to military modeling in Napoleonic times.'

    I imagine you will be quoting the last sentence on the dustjackets of future editions!
    Get well soon, Arthur

    1. Arthur1815 (Arthur),

      Cheers! At least I’m about as fully protected from the worst COVID has to offer. I feel as if I have a bad case of gastric flu … which is not nice if one has to live with a stoma.

      I like the ‘quote’ from Napoleon! I assume that this is the output from one of the new AI systems that are designed to ‘answer’ historical questions … and it certainly should be quoted on future editions!

      All the best,


    2. Bob,
      Note that 'Boney' claims to have won Waterloo - to lie like a bulletin indeed!

      Later I asked his opinion of cats and he replied that they made wonderful pets and that he had one called Mouton (Why would one name a cat 'Sheep'? but it could be for General Georges Mouton, Comte de Lobau) on Elba of whom he was very fond. Yet Napoleon is known to have suffered from allurophobia and to have summoned soldiers to catch and remove a cat from his bed before Wagram, so his answers are of dubious veracity to say the least...
      Best wishes,

    3. Arthur1815 (Arthur),

      I think that you might just have found a bit of a flaw in the AI’s ability to both tell the truth and its knowledge of Napoleon’s life. Mind you, if you ever read Victor Hugo’s LES MISERABLES, it would be easy to get the impression that the French won at Waterloo!

      All the best,


  3. One of the complaints directed at these AI systems is that they are quite prepared to make up facts and to invent sources. So I guess that we should not be surprised that ChatBony thinks he won Waterloo.

    1. Mike Hall,

      Well, it’s interesting to discover that AI systems can make things up. That must have been an interesting program to write.

      All the best,


  4. That is, as you say, a b*gg*r. Fingers crossed it's a mild one.

    1. Nundanket,

      I feel ropey and have very little energy and motivation. The biggest problem is that my stomach ‘problem’ has come back with a vengeance … and that is very debilitating.

      All the best,


  5. Glad it was a mild case and your feeling better. I've had it a few times myself, and except for the first time the symptoms have been mild or virtually non existent. The shots and boosters really do work and I encourage everyone to get them.

    1. Mark Cordone,

      I would describe it as a relatively mild case … but the fact that my stomach ‘problem’ is back is the most worrying aspect as I need time for my system to absorb my anti-cancer drugs. Still, it could be worse …

      All the best,


  6. There is a lot of it about, get better soon Bob!

    1. Geordie an Exiled FoG,

      So it would appear. I've felt a bit better since I had a nap this afternoon, but I know that I still have some way to go before I will be fully recovered. Experience has shown me that COVID has a nasty habit of leaving you thinking that you are better ... and then hitting you again with a second, shorter period of illness.

      All the best,


  7. Great steaming piles of humus, Bob! On the health front you seem to be taking a battering. I hope your constitution will see you conquering the viral hordes and restoring you to your normal rugged self.

    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      I thought that I had gastric flu - which was bad enough - but when Sue persuaded me to take a COVID test, it showed that I had the dreaded virus. It’s left me feeling very tired all the time, and my ability to concentrate is pretty poor. As a result, work on various projects has ground to a halt, but I’m hoping that I’ll be back to normal soon.

      All the best,


  8. Get well soon!

    I have known any number of people who have gotten covid more than once. Most say it was like a nasty flu. At least more people recover these days, with vaccines, boosters, and various treatments.

    1. Fitz-Badger,

      I think that this is my third bout of COVID. Thanks to having up-to-date vaccinations, all I’ve got is what feels like a bad bout of gastric flu. I’m hoping that I’m over the worst and will be back to normal by next weekend.

      All the best,


  9. Oh No! Bob hope the symptoms are mild and don’t torment too much it’s certainly no fun being unwell in any sense. Hope for speedy recovery. Best wishes- Quinn

    1. Glory to Ruritania (Quinn),

      The line on my test was very faint today, which means that I should be over the worst. However, today I have a rotten headache and fatigue so I don’t feel much better. Hopefully I’ll be better by the weekend.

      All the best,


  10. Bob,
    Hope your feeling better- nothing worse than feeling ill. I have not had Covid - seems that the five vaccinations that I've been given are doing the trick. Keep resting friend- Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      Cheers! In truth, I’m feeling worse today than I did yesterday even though the line on my COVID test is fainter than it was, which means that I’m supposed to be over the worse. Hopefully I’ll be better by the weekend.

      All the best,


  11. Hi Bob, I'm sorry to read this and hope you recover quickly. Most people have completely stopped testing, even my daughter in the NHS, so most won't know when they even have covid now, the rule is that if you have cold/flu symptoms you stay off for a few days away from the wards! Interesting to read that Australia and Swtizerland have now completely banned the AZ vaccine due to data showing high levels of side effects post vaccination. Anyway, Bob look after yourself.

    1. 'Lee,

      Cheers! Because of my ongoing cancer treatment, I have to be careful as my resistance to infection is somewhat reduced.

      When I got what I thought was gastric flu, I didn't think that it was another bout of COVID, but Sue was reading about the symptoms of the latest wave and they matched mine, so I took a test. It showed the dreaded second line, but only very faintly, as have the subsequent two tests I have taken. I suspect that what I am seeing on the tests is the tail end of the infection, and that I am over the worst.

      I am feeling much better today, and will take a test after breakfast. If it is clear, then I know that I no longer ve COVID and can get back to what passes for normal.

      Keep safe and keep well,



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