

Thursday 20 April 2023

Nugget 353

Our printer – Macaulay Scott Printing Company of Welling, Kent – has yet again done a wonderful job of printing, collating, folding, and stapling the latest issue of THE NUGGET, and as a result I was able to collect it from them earlier today. I hope to be able to post it out to members early tomorrow. In the meantime, members can read this issue online.

IMPORTANT: Please note that this is the eighth issue of THE NUGGET to be published for the 2022-2023 subscription year. If you have not yet re-subscribed, a reminder was sent to you some time ago. If you wish to re-subscribe, please follow the instructions on the relevant page of the website.


  1. This was a fun issue to read. I especially enjoyed "ChatGPT writes a wargame" and the sessions for VCOW2023 have many options that look like they'll be lots of fun. I'm looking forward to reading any reports that come out, especially ones for Messiah? and Good Morning, Good Morning. They look like they'll be especially interesting.
    I found a digital copy of your rules for Save Gordon, in which issue of Wargames Illustrated will I find it?

    1. Mr. Pavone,

      I'm glad that you enjoyed it. The session for COW2023 do look good, and I am already wondering how to choose which to go to.

      A copy of the SAVE GORDON! file is already winging it way to you via email.

      Read and enjoy,



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