

Wednesday 13 December 2023

COVID … nine days on

I’m still suffering from some of the symptoms of the latest COViD variant, and this morning’s lateral flow test indicated that I was still testing positive, although the line that determines my level of infection is much fainter.

Over the past few days I have at least been out of the house a couple of times and I this gave me the chance to breathe some cold, wet, fresh air. Reading the advice on the NHS website leads me to believe that I’m no longer likely to infect anyone, so later today Sue and I hope to go out to do some shopping, although I suspect that we won’t be out for long.

For the last couple of days the symptoms have been mild enough for me to feel up to doing some work on my model railway project, and over the next few days I hope to add some blog posts about what I’ve done … including one rather spectacular mistake.

I also had the opportunity to watch Professor Phil Sabin’s latest YouTube video, which outlines the tweaks that he has made to Dunnigan’s classic NAPOLEON AT WATERLOO so that he can play the game using his collection of Airfix Napoleonic figures … but I’ll write more about the video later this week.


  1. At least you appear to be on the mend Bob, although this Covid cold malarkey is taking an awfully long time to shift! Glad to hear you are able to get out and about and do some hobby stuff, even though it included your mistake. To err is human and all that.

    1. Steve J.,

      I’m getting there … very slowly.

      Sue and I did venture out today and it was great to get out into the fresh air, even though it was very cold and wet. We even managed to have a festive afternoon tea in one of our favourite cafés, ‘Frillys’ at Charlton House.

      I’m now off to do a bit of work on my model railway.

      All the best,


  2. Replies
    1. Neil Patterson (Neil),

      So do I! The symptoms are gradually diminishing, but not very quickly.

      All the best,


  3. Happy to hear you are on the mend, and hopefully fully recovered by Christmas.

    1. Mark Cordone,

      Cheers! The sooner I’m better, the happier I’ll be!

      All the best,


  4. Bob -
    My own very limited experience of COVID suggests that it begins with a hiss and a roar, gradually fades away over time, and the convalescence can take seemingly forever, as the weakened corpus delicti gets assailed by all manner of niggly ailments. Not that that is a cheering prospect.

    But I hope at least that your recovery, however uphill the road, at least improves the outlook!

    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      I am really fed up feeling unwell, and long for the day that I wake up without a sign of any of the COVID symptoms. I am getting better, but far too slowly for my liking.

      Just as long as I’m better in time for Christmas…

      All the best,



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