

Wednesday 10 July 2024

A Gallimaufry of Colonial Wargames

Some time ago I published a collection of my older colonial wargame rules in PDF format with Wargame Vault. The collection was entitled A GALLIMAUFRY OF COLONIAL WARGAMES and it sold moderately well.

Since then I've had several requests for printed and bound copies of the rules and as a result, I have now published the book in hardback, softback, and Kindle editions, priced at £17.50, £10.00, and £5.00 respectively.

Included in the book are the following rules:

  • Bundock and Bayonet Colonial Wargames Rules
    • Part 1: The Basic Rules
    • Part 2: The Additional and Optional Rules
  • ‘Eres to you Fuzzy Wuzzy: Fighting Colonial battles in the Sudan
  • Hordes of Dervishes
  • Heroes of Victoria’s Empire (HoVE)
  • Colonial Rules for Heroscape™ terrain
  • Restless Natives
  • Redcoats & Dervishes
  • SCWaRes: Simple Colonial Wargame Rules
  • Appendix 1: Heroic Leadership Cards for Heroes of Victoria’s Empire (HoVE)
  • Appendix 2: Special Event Cards for Restless Natives
  • Appendix 3: Heroic Leadership Cards for Restless Natives

Note 1: A gallimaufry is defined as being ‘a confused jumble or medley of things’, hence the title of this book.

Note 2: Please note that some of the rule mechanisms and scenarios contained in this book have been reused in my later books, but they are included for completeness.

Note 3: I originally intended to publish this book in February 2024 ... but then I broke my leg and its publication was shelved (i.e I forgot about it!).


  1. I am one of those people who prefer a physical copy, and have ordered mine, it should arrive Friday. I think it will be well worth the $12 price tag!

    1. Mark Cordone,

      Thanks' for buying a copy. I hope that you enjoy reading a selection of my earlier colonial wargame rules.

      All the best,


    2. Just looking at the index makes me think there will be some interesting ideas!

    3. Mark Cordone,

      You will find several sets of rules that formed the basis of what later became PW. Others have interesting scenarios and game mechanisms that are adaptable for other rules.

      All the best,


  2. A tenner for a softback copy sounds like a baragin to me. Much prefer a physical copy.

    Hope your recovery continues well.



    1. Pete.,

      I always try to make my rules as accessible as I can. I also prefer printed copies rather than electronic ones.

      All the best,


  3. Hi BOB,
    Just a couple of questions.
    How is your Leg going - back to being normal yet? Also - any news on the possible listing of your House for sale- or are things delayed because of your lack of mobility? Best Wishes. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      I have neuropathy in both lower legs. In other words, i have extensive nerve damage in both legs that may be repairable. I am awaiting further tests that will hopefully identify the cause, after which i should begin treatment. In the meantime, I’m doing a series of exercises to strengthen my leg muscles and i am practicing standing up using my crutches. So far i can stand for twenty seconds before i have to sit down again.

      Our house sale is on hold until the problems with my legs is sorted out. It may well be that we will be better off staying where we are and having the house adapted if it needs it.

      All the best,


    2. BOB,
      I have mobility problems as well- slow walking, trouble with stairs and generally unsteady on my feet and legs...we've had concrete and timber ramps built to negate the steps in our backyard- now things are much better. Yes, the idea of adapting your house Bob to your needs sounds like a good option. Best Wishes. KEV.

    3. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      I suspect that I am going to have to have similar modifications made to our house. We are also looking at having a stair lift installed so that I can reach the middle and top floors of our house.

      All the best,



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