

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Building modular fortifications: The additional modules are now complete

Once my original modules were painted, I began work on painting the additional modules I had created for my modular fortress. These are two destroyed wall/tower modules and four gun positions, and this is how they look now that they are finished:

They fit in with the existing modules, and can be used to create a variety of different fortification. For example, a fort with a damaged tower ...

... and wall section, ...

... an artillery fort, ...

... and a line of coastal defences.

I am very pleased with the way these additional modules allow greater variations of fortress and/or fortifications to be built, and in time I hope to add some more.


  1. You're definitely giving me lots of ideas.

    Merry Xmas


  2. Xaltotun of Python (Rob),

    Excellent! I always hope that my blog entries will give people ideas, and it is good to read that this particular series of blog entries has done just that.

    All the best,


  3. Bob,

    They look great. Top work that man. Sadly I can't think of a way of making them work on hexes.

  4. Conrad Kinch,

    Cheers! I have been thinking about how I can use them with my Hexon II terrain ... but have yet to come up with an answer.

    All the best,


  5. A modular fortress on Hexon II tiles would encourage me to acquire some 400mm mdf hexes, some 20mm thick polyurethane foam sheets (blue or pink), make a 60 degree cutting device and do a bit of planning.

    The modular concept is not tied to regular square grid. Most of us have sufficient brain cells to think 'hex'.

    Now, if someone were to offer a commission ...

  6. Jim Duncan,

    There is no reason why it should not be possible to build a modular fortress that works with a hex terrain system like Hexon II. It might even be possible to build a set of adaptor modules that will enable the basic modules to be used with both square and hexed grids.

    All the best,


  7. The artillery fort reminds me a bit of Southsea castle.

  8. Nigel Drury,

    I had Deal Castle in mind when I set the modules up as an artillery fort ... but you are right, it is much more like Southsea Castle.

    All the best,


  9. Well done BOB - all worked out as you had planned. Planning IS everything. All the Best- MERRY CHRISTMAS to You and Family. KEV.

  10. Marvelous!

    Having tried my hand at hex terrain, I think that I'll stick with squares.

  11. Kev,

    Cheers! The end result is due to a bit of luck and a lot of experience ... including a fair dose of past failures!

    Have a great Christmas!

    All the best,


  12. Ross Mac,

    Cheers old chap!

    I like hexes ... but if I didn't have my Hexon Ii terrain I would be using squares for everything as I have yet to find a way of making or marking accurate hexes myself.

    Have a great Christmas!

    All the best,


  13. Painting it white was sensible if you're mainly going to be using it for colonial games and you have the added advantage that with troops based for arid terrain the sand texture looks OK when manning the walls - grass flocked/tufted bases could look a bit odd.

    I was pleased with the river tiles I made to use with hexon. I've tried sketching out some medieval or vauban style fortifications and the geometry is a bit tricky though some moated sections would probably merge with the river hexes quite well.

  14. Nigel Drury,

    I always thought that my modular fortress would be used mainly with my Colonial figures, and is it why white seemed to be the best colour in which to paint the modules.

    I have been basing my figures on brown-coloured bases for some years. It started out as an expedient. I acquired quite a lot of naturally-coloured powdered cork that I intended to paint once the figures were mounted on their bases ... and then realised that I did not need to. The cork did not look out of place on desert or grassy terrain, whereas bases covered with static grass looked silly on desert terrain.

    I have also looked at building a Vauban-style fortress that will fit on my Hexon II terrain, but although one feels that it should be quite a simple task, when one starts to push the pieces around, it isn't.

    All the best,


  15. Peter Ball,

    Thanks very much for your kind comment.

    All the best,


  16. Archduke Piccolo,

    Cheers! I am rather pleased with the way these extra modules worked out.

    All the best,



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