

Sunday 6 May 2018

Action off the Dardanelles

Yesterday I managed to fight a battle using the latest version of my PORTABLE NAVAL WARGAME: PRE-DREADNOUGHTS rules. I used Heroscape hexes for my terrain (lots of water hexes and a few painted ordinary hexes) and some of my old, homemade, Fred T Jane-inspired, 1:3000th-scale model ships.

The scenario
Growing tension between Greece and Turkey is about to boil over into open warfare. In order to ensure that the Turkish Navy is unable to interfere with Greek naval operations and to protect Greek merchant ships from attack, the Greek Navy has begun to maintain a discreet blockade of the Mediterranean exit from the Dardanelles.

Unbeknownst to the Greeks, the Turks have been planning to send one of the cruisers into the Mediterranean to do exactly what the Greeks feared that they might. Because of the Greek blockade, the Turkish Navy’s High Command plan to force a passage through the blockade using some of their larger ships. Once the cruiser is in open waters and free to begin operations, the larger ships with return to the Dardanelles.

The Greek blockade is being maintained by (left to right in the following photograph):
  • The Coastal Defence Battleship Hydra
  • The Modern Pre-dreadnought Lemnos
  • The Armoured Cruiser Georgios Averof

The Turkish force includes (left to right in the following photograph):
  • The Coastal Defence Battleship Messudieh
  • The Older Pre-dreadnought Torgud Reis
  • The Protected Cruiser Hamidieh

This was a very enjoyable battle to fight, with the advantage swinging in favour of one side and then back again. The battle report will form part of my forthcoming GRIDDED NAVAL WARGAMES book, but to whet your appetites, here are some photographs of the early stages of the battle.


  1. Appetite suitably whetted Bob - looking forward to the book.

    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      With luck you should not to have to wait too long before the book is published.

      All the best,


  2. Bob,
    Splendid 1/3000th Pre-Dreadnoughts. I take it that you have scratch built the model naval ships. I like the shape of the Turkish 'Torgud Reis'- very nice indeed. Tempted to have a go at building a miniature Navy in the future- your models are inspiring. These photos will be excellent in your forthcoming book- well done. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson,

      Cheers! The model ships were all scratch built a long time ago from balsa, plywood, and bamboo skewers. They took me a couple of evenings to make and cost pennies in materials.

      I have a Greek fleet that has three Coastal Defence Battleships, two modern Pre-dreadnoughts, an Armoured Cruiser, and a Light Cruiser. The Turkish fleet has a Coastal Defence Vattleship, two older Pre-dreadnoughts, and two Protected Cruisers.

      All the best,


    2. Bob,
      I'm having a hard time determining the Length of your Pre-Dreadnought models...I am thinking about 2 inches in Length? You have done an excellent job of making the miniatures. Regards. KEV.

    3. Kev Robertson,

      The models are between 1.5 and 2-inches long (35mm to 50mm), with the Averof being slightly larger.

      All the best,


    4. Bob,
      Thank you for the reply- wasn't sure about the lengths and glad you confirm that they are in fact between 1.5" to 2"...a very handy size indeed. You have done well making the navy Ships. Regards. KEV.

    5. Kev Robertson,

      I was a lot younger when I built them. My eyesight was sharper and my hands steadier ... and I'd be hard put to repeat the process now!

      All the best,


  3. Replies
    1. Geordie an Exiled FoG,

      I have at least one more battle report to write for inclusion in the book.

      All the best,


    2. Geordie an Exiled FoG,

      I hadn't planned to ... but I might bring some of my stuff along just in case the opportunity arises to set up a game.

      All the best,


  4. You have got me thinking about my own navies... Apart from the 5-vessel fleets of Ruberia/Azuria/Grauheim/Porphyria (Age of Empires) I still have my 'Jono's World' fleets, which are more cognate to early WW2.

    This will require, of course, my thinking about how to bring aircraft into the action...

    Looking forward to seeing what more this latest instalment of the PW will hold!


    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      It sounds as if you have the beginning of a sizeable fleet of suitable ships!

      I am not actually writing a set of PW Naval rules to cover the Second World War ... but I am adding a chapter with suggestions as to how it might be done.

      All the best,


  5. Hi Bob
    I have ships for the period inspired by an old courier article cant wait to get your new book all the best

    1. Johntheone,

      Hopefully the book will be finished and available by the end of this month or the beginning of the next.

      All the best,



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