

Sunday 24 June 2018

Other people's Portable Wargame battle reports: The Battle of Newark

Although I have yet to write an English Civil War version of THE PORTABLE WARGAME rules, others have ... and a report of one such game recently appeared on Kaptain Kobold's THE STRONGHOLD REBUILT blog.

He re-fought the Battle of Newark using some of his excellent 2D paper figures ...

... and showed just what can be achieved using my rules as a basis for his own home-grown English Civil War rules.

Please note that the photographs featured above are © Kaptain Kobold.


  1. It does look fun doesn’t it. I like the idea that people are expanding on your PW rules - someone ought to create an anthology. As I see it, there have been variants on ECW, Fantasy (battle and skirmish), SYW, rumors of Naps and of course Kriegspiel. I still plod happily along with the original book and my 54s (or 20mm in the desert if I’m in the mood for warmer climes). There is a joy in finding something you like.

    1. Stephen Briddon,

      I hope to bring some of the variants together in a single volume. In the meantime I am building up a portfolio of PW articles into which I can dip for ideas.

      I still use the original 'sudden death' rules when I want to stage a quick one-off game ... although I haven't managed to fight a tabletop battle for some time.

      All the best,


  2. Hi Bob, firstly I'm gald you're feeling better. I have a touch of the flu but not as bad as you had it I think. The ECW is one of my favourite periods so I look forward in eager anticipation to a future PW publication from your hallowed pen! (After the Napoleonic book of course..)
    All the best, Anthony

    1. Anthony Morton,

      Thanks very much for your kind words. Sue and I are feeling much better today ... but we still seem to get tired if we try to do anything vigorous.

      I know of two wargamers who have produced ECW versions of my PW rules, and I hope to publish them within the next year.

      All the best,


  3. Well that's very good news!

    Best wishes

  4. I do like the look of these paper 'flats'.

    Glad your on the mend btw.

    1. Lee Hadley,

      I made my own paper 'flats' some years ago and got good use out of them. Once I'd created the basic figures, they were simple to colour, print, cut out, and base. I produced two armies and was wargaming with them in less than a week.

      All the best,


      PS. Thanks for your kind words. Sue and I are feeling much better than we did, but we're still not quite over the effects of the virus.


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