

Saturday 25 May 2024

My second YouTube video has been uploaded

I found myself with a couple of hours on my hands this afternoon, so I decide to see if I could create a video of a 3 x 3 Portable Wargame battle report.

I chose the first battle of the Franco-Prussian War of 1810, and despite a few mistakes that I made along the way, I learned a lot and this will hopefully help me to make more and better videos in the future.

The video can be seen using this link.


  1. Replies
    1. Geordie an Exiled FoG,

      I hope to add more as and when time allows.

      All the best,


  2. Hi Bob, thank you for posting the battle report. We thoroughly enjoyed it well done and it showed how effective your Portable Napoleonic Wargames rules are on a small and simple grid. Impressive, I think I mentioned before that I bought the book it is great especially the brigade level rules are a favourite as we don’t need many figures. Hope you are getting better? thank you - Quinn

    1. Glory to Ruritania (Quinn),

      Thanks very much for your kind words.

      Of the three sets of rules in my book, I think that the brigade-level ones are by far and away the most popular of the them. I think that players find it easier to relate to the 'this unit of figures is a battalion-equivalent unit' than they do in the higher-level rules.

      As yo my health ... well, I've still got some way to go until I regain my mobility, but I live in hopes that it will not be too long before I can get about more.

      All the best,


  3. Great video, Bob! I've put a few suggestions in the Comments that you might like to consider for future videos. Looking forward to your next epic. Best wishes, Arthur

    1. Arthur1815 (Arthur),

      Thanks very much for your very helpful suggestions. There are four more battle from the war that I could write reports about, but because the photos etc., were taken some time ago, I might not be able to incorporate all your suggestions straight away.

      All the best,


    2. Bob, would it be possible to upload the appropriate photos to Paint and draw 'smoke clouds' on them? Excuse my ignorance of such software if that is not possible. Even if not, these videos are a great way of reusing your photographs of games to entertain your followers, so keep them coming!
      Best wishes, Arthur

    3. Arthur1815 (Arthur),

      I've tried out your suggestion ... but the result looked a bit naff. I am going to try to create a video that covers the twin Battles of the Northern Frontier, and I will be including the Orders of Battle for both sides.

      All the best,


  4. Bob, good start with you tube. One day I must sign up for some adult education (if it still exists) on the theme of tech for non tech pensioners! Well done. Carl N.Yorks

    1. Carl,

      Cheers! My earliest attempts to make videos failed because I just could not get to grips with the program. I then discovered that I could produce videos using PowerPoint ... and I am finding that the best way to go forward until I can go on a proper video production course.

      All the best,



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