

Saturday 25 May 2024

Three simple ship model designs

Further to my recent blog post about the article in the May issue of Model Boats magazine that was written by Ashley Needham about his very simple model boat based on the RMS Titanic, I sat down with MS Paint and designed an escort carrier, freighter and tanker that shared a common hull. The results looked like this:

Escort Carrier



Obviously, the finished models would have masts, cargo hatches, ventilators, armament where appropriate, ship's boat and life rafts, etc. In the case of the freighter, the additional of scramble nets and some landing craft would turn the model into an amphibious assault ship/attack transport. The tanker model could also be used to represent a freighter which had its engines located near the stern or even one of the Maracaibo tankers that were converted into Landing Ships, Tank Mk.1 (e.g. HMS Misoa).

I give permission to my regular blog readers to download and use the above designs free of copyright. My only request is that if they do build models using my designs as a basis or share them with a third party that I am acknowledged as the origniator of the designs and there is a link to this blog.


  1. Bob -
    I think you might have added a couple of vessels for my merchant fleet...

    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      I look forward to seeing your models. If they are anything like your previous ones, they'll be great!

      All the best,


  2. I think you could have a land lubber like me reaching for my copy of Gridded Naval Wargames and ordering some balsa wood! Cheers 'ma harty' Carl, setting sail (or steaming up) on the N.Yorks coast

    1. Carl,

      I do hope that I have persuaded you to give naval wargaming a try. I think that you'll find it enthralling.

      All the best,



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