

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Another cigarette cards album: The Coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth 1937

Our cleaner presented me with another 1930s cigarette card album yesterday. This one was also produced by John Player & Sons and was entitled THE CORONATION OF H.M. KING GEORGE VI AND H.M. QUEEN ELIZABETH 1937.

Most of the cigarette cards depict the various participant's in ceremonial dress. The list of cards includes the following:

  • H.M. King George VI
  • H.M. Queen Elizabeth
  • A Royal Duke
  • A Royal Princess
  • Archbishop of Canterbury
  • Archbishop of York
  • Bishop of London
  • Dean of Westminster
  • A Marquess
  • A Marchioness
  • A Viscountess
  • A Baron
  • Earl Marshal of England
  • Court of Claims in Session
  • Garter King of Arms
  • Norroy King of Arms
  • Lord Lyon King of Arms
  • Bluemantle Pursuivant
  • Lord High Chancellor of England
  • Lord Chief Justice of England
  • The Most Noble Order of the Garter (C.G.)
  • The Most Ancient and Noble Order of the Thistle (K.T.)
  • The Most Illustrious Order of St, Patrick (K.P.)
  • The Most Honourable Order of the Bath (G.C.B.)
  • The Most Exalted Order of the Star of India (G.C.S.I.)
  • The Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George (G.C.M.G.)
  • The Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire (G.C.I.E.)
  • The Royal Victorian Order (G.C.V.O.)
  • The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (G.B.E.)
  • The Master of the Horse
  • Officer of H.M.'s Bodyguard of Honorable Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms
  • Officer of King's Bodyguard of Yeoman of the Guard
  • Yeoman of King's Bodyguard of Yeoman of the Guard
  • Gentleman of the Royal Company of Archers
  • Speaker of the House of Commons
  • A Cabinet Minister (Levee Dress)
  • An Ambassador (Full Dress)
  • A Governor General
  • One of H.M.'s Lieutenant of Counties
  • The Lord Mayor of London
  • The City Marshal
  • An Elder Brother of the Trinity House
  • A Military Knight of Windsor
  • A Page of Honour
  • One of the Children of H.M.'s Chapels Royal
  • One of His Majesty's Marshalmen
  • H.M.'s Bargemaster and a Waterman
  • State Trumpeter, Household Cavalry
  • Royal Postillion and Walking Attendant
  • High Constables and Guard of Honour of Holyroodhouse

I must admit that some of the offices listed were new to me (for example, I'd never heard of the Marshalmen before and I don't think that Cabinet Ministers ever wear Levee Dress anymore), but all the illustrations depict some very impressive examples of ceremonial dress.

Some 'interesting facts':

One of my relatives was a Waterman and winner of the Doggett Coat and Badge, and would have worn a uniform similar to the one shown above.

The Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George (G.C.M.G.) is often awarded to senior Civil Servants and was once referred to in an episode of 'Yes, Minster' as really meaning 'God Calls Me God'!


  1. I took a look on-line for Cigarette cards featuring UK uniforms after your previous post. The illustrations are really very nice.
    As a young child I used to collect the cards that came with tea. There are websites dedicated to collecting them but I daren't look as the collecting bug is strong!!

    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      Over the years I’ve bought several sets of reproduced cigarette cards at reasonable prices … far cheaper than the originals!

      The illustrations are very useful, and I used some in my PORTABLE COLONIAL WARGAME book.

      I also collected the tea cards, and have an (incomplete) set in an album about the ships of the Royal Navy … including the ‘new’ nuclear submarine HMS Dreadnought!

      All the best,


  2. Another lovely gift Bob, and they are very tempting to collect, I used to have a few back in the day but all long gone I'm afraid.

    1. Donnie McGibbon,

      It was much appreciated by both Sue and I.

      I have often seen sets of cigarette cards on sale in antique shops ... but at ridiculous prices, and not always for originals!

      All the best,


  3. That's a nice gift, Bob, very kind of your cleaner!
    Some years ago I worked at the old Sainsburys Head Office at Blackfriars, spent a good few evenings in the Dogget's Coat and Badge pub. When did your relative win the race?

    1. David in Suffolk,

      I remember both Sainsbury’s old HQ and the pub! My (distant) relative - Harry Cordery - won the Badge in 1879.

      All the best,



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