

Thursday 13 June 2024

The Third Portable Wargame Compendium: A further progress report

Since last Friday I have been working on the next issue of the PORTABLE WARGAME COMPENDIUM, and its draft is already ninety pages long ... and I know of at least two more articles that are being written for inclusion in this issue.

To date, Mark Cordone has contributed articles about:

  • Adapting the PORTABLE ANCIENT WARGAME rules from DEVELOPING THE PORTABLE WARGAME for use in the Medieval period.
  • A framework for narrative campaigns.
  • Developing the 6 x 6 PORTABLE WARGAME.

Archduke Piccolo's contribution relates the story of his BYZANTIAD campaign and includes an excellent campaign map and campaign system as well as two well-illustrated campaign reports.

I will write further progress reports as and when I can.


  1. Hi Bob, hope you are making a steady recover. I am writing a set of ECW campaign rules for use on an 8x8 board, as an extension of the PW concept. I am play testing at the moment and hope to submit if there is room for them. Regards. Paul.

    1. PDL (Paul),

      My recovery continues … but very slowly.

      I look forward to receiving your contribute, which will fit in nicely with Arthur Harman’s article about a simple ECW campaign system. Two different approaches gives readers something to get their teeth into.

      All the best,


  2. Hi Bob, as always I will be purchasing your latest PW gem. My very best wishes to you, Cheers Anthony.

    1. Anthony Morton,

      Cheers! I hope to publish the next PW Compendium by September at the latest.

      All the best,


  3. Seems like you are off to a flying start Bob with the 3rd PWC we look forward to purchasing a copy when it’s published. Hope you’re having fun with the draft writing. Quinn

    1. Glory to Ruritania,

      Working on the latest PWC is certainly helping to keep my mind off my health issues, and I am looking forward to publishing it later this year.

      All the best,


  4. I'm glad you're on the mend, and very happy to be able to contribute.

    1. Mark Cordone,

      Your contributions have been much appreciated.

      All the best,


  5. A great reason to look forward to September!

    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      If it is possible, I'll try to publish the next PWC earlier than September, but I've set that deadline so that I don't give in to temptation and keep adding extra articles.

      All the best,


  6. I’m looking forward to buying a copy. I’m still not wholly a convert to hexes/squares but enjoy reading the variety of PW approaches to using them.

    I hope that your living conditions are not proving too hostile. My experience of conservatories is that they are either too hot or too cold (building regs seem to insist on this), though with the summer we are having too hot should not currently be a problem. A couple of days ago our house was so cold I put the heating on for an hour: in June!

    Best Wishes,
    Mike Hall

    1. Mike Hall,

      In fact, it isn't too difficult to convert from grid areas to normal linear measurement. I know several people who have done that.

      Our conservatory has special glass which is supposed to keep it cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather. This month is a good case in point. It's very much colder than normal for this time of year, but my wife tells me that the conservatory is warmer than almost every other room in the house ... and she has the central heating on set for 22 degrees!

      I do have a small electric wall heater in the conservatory, but so far I've only needed it turned on once since I took up residence because of the cold.

      With luck, I hope to be living a much more normal life by the end of the summer, but if I have to live in the conservatory during the autumn and winter, we will not doubt have to move a more substantial heater into it if I'm to avoid getting too cold.

      All the best,


  7. Bob you would be welcome to include my modifications to the Portable Napoleonic rules if they are any use. There are on my blog here:

    1. Mike Lewis,

      Many thanks for your kind offer, which I will be taking advantage of!

      All the best,


  8. Bob -
    Methinks this is going to be one humdinger of a Compendium - even without my contribution!

    I'm glad to see that you're gradually getting back to your active self, as and when the 'unum corpus' allows ...

    By the by, if ever a IVth Compendium appears on the agenda (or even if there is room in the present magnum opus), and anything from my blogspot postings might be of interest, please let me know.

    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      I'm very please with they way this issue if coming together, with lots that should interest a wide range of PW users.

      Thanks for your kind offer of further contributions. I think that the next issue would benefit from an article by you about your large-size PW battles.

      All the best,


    2. Bob -
      I have been wondering about that. I thought maybe they would lie on the fringes, if not altogether outside the parameters of the PW game system. I ought to have asked.

      But now I have to ask: are we talking 'map campaigns' or something like my Waterloo battle, or something like the Kavkaz campaign battles? I'd really like to redo my 'Portable' Gettysburg battle some time. The first 'go' was a lot of fun, but didn't quite work as it ought to have done...

    3. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      I was thinking about your Waterloo-sized games that use the PW rules. They show that the basic mechanisms can withstand quite a lot of upsizing and tweaking so that they can be used to fight big battles.

      If you are going to refight Gettysburg, that would be an ideal example.

      All the best,



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