

Monday 24 June 2024

Working on the next video for the YouTube channel

I have begun work on the next video for the Wargaming Miscellany YouTube channel. I decided that a simple but reasonably detailed blow-by-blow retelling of a Colonial wargame fought using the simple rules from THE PORTABLE COLONIAL WARGAME (i.e. 'The Gatling's jammed ...') would help people to understand how the main mechanisms used in the rules work.

So far I have explained the background to the battle (it was an Anglo-Egyptian attack on the Great Wall of Morobad) and I have reached Turn 4 in my description. I have tried a few new techniques to show the fighting, and whilst the results are by no means perfect, I think that they better than the simple descriptions I used in the Franco-Prussian War of 1810 videos.

I hope to have the whole thing finished by the end of the week, but as I will be spending at least one day at hospital undergoing tests and it is Sue's birthday later in the week, work on the video may have to move to the backburner for a day or so.


  1. Definitely interested to see. I've had some success with chess variants at work and am planning, one of these weeks, to try one of the older PW versions on an 8x8 chessboard with Paperboys figures and Cathedral buildings.

    1. Jennifer,

      I hope that you find the video useful.

      All the best,


  2. Priorities! We'll wait but birthdays are as important, or more so, than when we were kids. Oh and that hospital stuff too....

    1. Ross Mac,

      Preparations for Sue’s birthday are well in hand (Thank God for the internet!) and the work on the video is making slow but steady progress when other priorities allow.

      All the best,



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