

Wednesday 6 October 2021

Revisiting Laurania and Maldacia

Back in the early days of my blog (30th October 2008) I decided to use the imagi-nation created by Sir Winston Churchill as the basis of a wargaming project.

Laurania had been the setting of his only novel, SAVROLA - A TALE OF REVOLUTION IN LAURANIA. Having read the book many times, I was able to deduce some facts about the country, and I used these to create a map ...

... and a background history for the country.

I needed an opponent, and this inevitably led to the creation of Maldacia, Laurania's northern neighbour ... and who they fought on several occasions:

Since then, this project has been sitting on the backburner, but now that I have my various FUNNY LITTLE WARS/PORTABLE WARGAME armies slowly and steadily growing, it might well be the right time to revisit Laurania and Maldacia again in some way.


  1. Hi BOB,
    You have developed a wealth of information and ideas here- very suitable for your current FLW Project - certainly looking forward to further developments- have fun there in London. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      I’m not sure if Laurania and Maldacia will form the basis of my FLW/PW project, but revisiting them has certainly reminded me of some of the lessons I learned when I created them.

      All the best,


  2. I'm sure you'll keep us posted. I really like your map by the way.

    1. Jon S,

      The map took time to create, but the end result was well worth it.

      All the best,


  3. That's a bonny map. May I ask what software did you use to create it?


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