

Tuesday 5 December 2023

I managed it ... but came home rather tired

In yesterday's blog post I wrote about going to a meeting of my Mother Lodge (The Grove Park Lodge No.2732) for the first time since May, and how this was the first Masonic meeting that I had managed to get to since then.

I was a bit worried that it was also the longest time and distance I had driven since August, and I was a bit apprehensive. When I set off from home at just after 3.00pm, it was beginning to get dark, and it was raining quite heavily. My satnav informed me that the route via the Blackwall Tunnel and M11 to the M25 was subject to delays (there was some sort of accident or breakdown near the entrance to the Tunnel) so I went the long way around using the A2 and M25.

The left-hand map shows the route I would normally have taken and the one of the right shows the route I actually took to reach Chesthunt. I returned home using my normal route.

One thing that I had forgotten about was the speed and erratic behaviour I was likely to encounter driving on some of Britain's most crowded roads. Cars changing lanes without indicating, cars and motorcycles undertaking, lorries and trucks getting so close alongside or behind you, and the general lack of space between vehicles ... and everything happening at at least 70mph! I kept calm, tried to keep a safe braking distance between myself and the vehicle in front of me (which some drivers saw as an opportunity to cut in front of me without any notice!) and drove at a speed that I felt was safe considering the road conditions. As a result, my journey, which Google Maps predicted would take me 55 minutes, actually took me closer to 90 minutes ... but I still got there in plenty of time to say hello to everyone, have a cup of tea and a Jaffa Cake, and restore my personal comfort before the meeting started.

The meting went very well indeed. The Lodge performed a Third-Degree ceremony (AKA a Raising) on the brother of one of the existing Brethren and we were able to welcome a joining member I have known for nearly 20 years and whose own Lodge had recently closed.

After the meeting we were able to have a quick drink in the bar (I had a very nice glass on non-alcoholic IPA) before going into the after-meeting meal. This was a traditional Christmas turkey dinner with all the usual trimmings, followed by Christmas Pudding and a mince pie. It certainly was a hearty meal, and I was feeling rather full by the time it ended and we all parted company.

My journey back, which started at about 9.45pm, was a lot calmer and quicker than my journey to Cheshunt. However, by the time I got home I was feeling rather tired, thanks to driving fatigue, the large meal, and the fact that I missed my usual afternoon nap! Last night I slept like a log, and it was only the arrival of the cat at 8.00am that woke me up, otherwise I would probably have slept even longer.

So, yesterday was a good day, and although I am still feeling a bit tired, it is that tiredness that comes after you feel like you have achieved something. I now know that I can cope with driving for longish distances on crowded and busy roads, and that is a major milestone for me to have reached.


  1. BOB,
    Glad your able to go to the meeting and enjoyed it. I was thinking about our OO9 Engine not negotiating the points at slow may be worthwhile investigating in 'Electro Frog Points'- they require special wiring though would solve the problem. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      It was great to be back in a Masonic Temple alongside so many friends.

      Thanks for the suggestion. I will have a look at the Electro Frog Points, but I’m not sure if they compatible with the Kato Unitrack.

      All the best,


  2. Good to hear you're making progress Bob.

    1. Neil Patterson (Neil),

      I’m still feeling a bit tired but also rather satisfied that I’ve managed to pass a significant personal milestone.

      All the best,


  3. Great news Bob, seems you are doing pretty well! Tribute to the restorative power of good company and a turkey dinner...

    1. David in Suffolk,

      Ironically, I have now caught a very heavy cold which has laid me low. However, making the effort and going to yesterday’s meeting did wonders for my morale and will help me see this cold off.

      All the best,


  4. Good to hear that you are able to do tackle such a difficult journey. It must have been really nice to meet up with your lodge and enjoy a group Christmas dinner. Not surprised that you slept well.

    best regards


    1. Thistlebarrow (Paul),

      I was a great boost to my morale to go. I only wish that I hadn’t unknowingly been in the first stages of COVID at the time!

      All the best,


  5. Faint heart never won a turkey dinner and the much needed company of and brothers.

    1. Ross Mac,

      I had a great time at the meeting but now realise that a major contributor to my feeling of tiredness was due to the onset of COVID.

      All the best,


  6. Great to see you're on the mend, Bob. Small steps...

    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      Going to the meeting did great things for my morale. I hope that will continue once I’ve recovered from COVID.

      All the best,


  7. It’s good to hear that all went well Bob. As you hinted at, many drivers these days leave much to be desired (a significant number have poor, poor, poor decision making abilities).
    For me personally the world always feels a better place once I’ve got home, the doors are locked and the dogs are tucked up in their bed - at my side on the settee. A good nights sleep will top things off just right.

    1. Elliesdad (Geoff),

      Going to the meeting did me no end of good, but getting there was a bit hair raising at times. I once hear a senior police officer sum it up a being too many drivers with 30 mph brains in 70mph cars. As you comment, life sometimes feels better once you’re indoors behind a locked door.

      All the best,


  8. Well done!
    (the traffic description reminds me of the freeways out here; I don't mind not having to drive in it daily :P )

    1. Fitz-Badger,

      Cheers! The police in our area regularly pull cars over to check that the car is insured and the driver has a valid licence … and the number who have neither is staggering!

      All the best,


  9. A great boost to your confidence and recovery Bob 👍

    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      It was … but now I’m having to deal with the knock back from catching COVID again!

      All the best,



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