

Saturday 20 July 2024

Colonial Wargaming website

Until the middle of 2009 I had a website devoted to Colonial Wargaming, but at the time trying to blog and keep the website updated proved a bit too demanding and so, with great reluctance, I wound it up. I did try to replace it with a Colonial Wargaming blog ... but time pressure led to that becoming moribund as well.

I was recently going through my computer files and found that I had saved the whole website. This set me thinking about resurrecting it in some way as there were some resources on the original website that modern Colonial wargamers might find useful and I would like to be able to share them online; the question is, how?

I don't particularly want to rewrite all or most of the html code I used to create the original website, but I think that I might have to if I do create a new website. A better alternative would be to find some way of converting my existing files so that I can upload them simply, quickly, and easily to the new website, but I suspect that is not a realistic prospect.

A potential alternative might be to use my currently moribund Colonial Wargaming blog.

Whatever I decide to do, this will be no small task ... but I think that it will be worth doing, even if it takes me some time.


  1. If you have a copy of the original website, you should have the html and it should be able to added as a page (or pages) to your blog.

    1. Ross Mac,

      That's what I am hoping will be possible. I just need time to try it.

      All the best,


  2. Bob, I found the colonial wargaming blog highly inspirational. Because of it, I purchased several boxes of Hexon II terrain tiles, some rulesets, miniatures, terrain buildings, etc.

    Absent your blog, those purchases may well have never been made. So, I guess the blog was both a blessing and a curse. ;)

    1. Justin Penwith,

      Your comment has made me feel a bit guilty about not keeping the Colonial Wargame blog u to date. I will try to add some more stuff to it soon.

      All the best,


  3. Tell you what, Bob: it was your enthusiasm for Colonial war gaming (and gridded war games) that kicked me along a road I'd been crawling along for a very long time! I don't 'do' Colonials exactly - more wars of the Great Powers of the third quarter of the 19th century on my semi-mythical planet Urth.

    So have been my Medifluvian expeditions, the Blacklands War, the Kavkaz Campaign (which is high time to be resumed), and the 'Darkest Aithiops' chronicle that COVID torpedoed. That last was more in the nature of 'Colonial' war games, but doesn't look as though it will be revived any time soon. I don't have any indigenes to resist the encroachment of colonial powers.

    But I get a lot of mileage out of the armies I do have! For years, I had done very little with them: now I have 4 armies, (Azuria, Ruberia, Turcowaz and Izumrud-Zeleniya) and am thinking of adding a fifth (Grauheim). These of course, stand in for the armies of the smaller, Blacklands, powers...

    If ever you decide that the future holds the prospect of a Compendium IV, I'd like to submit something along the Blacklands or Kavkaz lines: campaign mechanics, with a sample campaign move and battle. I don't know why the Kavkaz campaign came to a sudden halt...


    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      I never realised that I had had so much influence! It is very humbling to read what you have written.

      I have had a great deal of fun and enjoyment from reading your blog posts ... and I would love to see you revive your currently moribund projects. That said, I understand that none of us have enough time to do everything that we want to do.

      I look forward to seeing the army of Grauheim develop in due course.

      I hope to produce another Compendium at some time ... just as long as I can get enough contributions.

      All the best,


  4. I'm looking forward to viewing this content, in whatever form it takes.

    1. Mark Cordone,

      I hope that you won't be disappointed.

      All the best,



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