

Tuesday 23 July 2024

A busy few days

The last few days have been rather busy, hence my lack of blog posts.

Firstly, I have begun work on a YouTube video that will explain how I create my maps using MS Draw. (Other drawing programs are available ... but I'm a bit of a dinosaur who prefers to use a program that I have been utilising for years.) This is actually taking me more time that I expected as it will be a step-by-step guide ... but with a bit of luck, the methodology that I use will be understandable and transferable.

Secondly – and probably more importantly – I have been visited by a pair of Occupational Therapists who have assessed my current mobility situation and who are going to produce a plan that should help me to increase my mobility. They were very encouraging, and left me feeling that there was light at the end of the tunnel.


  1. Most important part first, happy to see that you are making progress medically. I hope that everything goes well. As for the video - sounds like a very useful project.

    1. Rob Young,

      I was pleasantly surprised that the two Occupational Therapists were so positive about the possibility that I will regain a lot more of my mobility.

      All the best,


  2. Good to hear that they were encouraging Bob and fingers crossed things will move forward apace for you. I've never got on with cad drawing packages, just preferring pen and paper, but these days with a shaky drawing hand it can be a tad frustrating, so maybe I need to check out this video...

    1. Steve J.,

      My morale had a great boost as a result of the visit by the Occupational Therapists.

      MS Draw is one of the simplest programs I have every used, so if you do give it a try, you will probably master it fairly quickly.

      All the best,


  3. Hi Bob

    It must be very encouraging to get some good news for a change. Lets hope you continue to make fast progress and can soon lead a more normal life style



    1. Thistlebarrow (Paul),

      I am expecting another visit later this week, and that should include being given an aid to help me stand. In the meantime, I have - on their advice - ordered some ankle weights to wear when I do my exercises to help build up my muscle strength.

      All the best,


  4. That's good to hear, hope you're up and about soon. Paul.

    1. PDL (Paul),

      Cheers! My first goal is to be able to leave my room under my own power. Hopefully, I'll be able to do that soon.

      All the best,


  5. Good to read that things are looking up Bob

    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      Cheers! Yesterday was one of the most positive that I've had since I broke my leg.

      All the best,


  6. BOB,
    It is good that you will be having some help with your Neuropathy and mobility- hope that when you begin to adapt your house to suit your mobility that everything works out fine. Best Wishes. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      It was great to be able to speak to people who wanted to help me regain as much of my mobility as I can. I suspect that we are going to have to have a new bathroom fitted that is adapted for someone with reduced mobility and that we will also have to have a stairlift installed. I might even be able to move the contents of my toy/wargame room down to the middle floor of our house, which will make it possible for me to use again.

      All the best,


  7. Hola Bob

    Me alegro mucho de que haya una luz al final del túnel. Mucho ánimo y mis mejores deseos.

    Yo en mapas uso Illustrator, hay versiones gratuitas por internet que son similares y tiene muchas funciones muy útiles como alinear objetos o distribuirlos automáticamente.

    Un abrazo Bob, mis mejores deseos.

    MM (Manuel)

    1. Hello Bob

      I'm so glad there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Much encouragement and my best wishes.

      I use Illustrator for maps, there are free versions on the internet that are similar and have many very useful functions such as aligning objects or distributing them automatically.

      A hug Bob, my best wishes.

      MM (Manuel)

      MM (Manuel),

      Cheers! Thanks for the excellent suggestion, which I will follow up later today.

      All the best,


      MM (Manuel),

      ¡Salud! Gracias por la excelente sugerencia, que seguiré más tarde hoy.

      Mis mejores deseos,


  8. I wonder if MS Draw (pictured in your post) is the same as MS Paint? It looks very like it--and like you, I have been doing graphics with "ye olde" MS Paint for decades now. It does everything I need. Better to use an old tool well than deal with the learning curve of something more involved. Glad yo hear of some positive news on the health front!

    1. Ed M,

      Argh! You are right … AND I AM AN IDIOT! It IS MS Paint, but some reason (probably I was a bit distracted by the visit by the Occupational Therapists) I used the wrong name in my blog post … and in my draft video!

      I will deal with the first problem with a mea culpa blog post later today (Wednesday 24th July), but the second will require a few changes to my video.

      Thanks for pointing this out.

      All the best,


    2. Well, to be fair, we're probably the only two people left using MS Paint, so nobody else would notice (or care).

    3. Ed M,

      We may be ... but I think that it is still a very good program.

      All the best,


  9. Good news, I hope! Fingers crossed for the success of the therapy.

    1. Mark Cordone,

      I am quietly confident that my mobility will improve, but until they can determine the cause of the neuropathy, I’m not sure what the long term prognosis will be.

      All the best,


  10. Hey Bob, Good news for you that the light at the end of the tunnel is no longer an oncoming train!! I too am going through the process of getting a stairlift and new bathroom due to diabetic neuropathy so am with you on that. Looking forward to the next video

    1. Coiinmnash,

      I have since had the results of the tests that I had at King's College Hospital a few weeks back. The conclusion is that I am suffering from axonal polyneuropathy ... about which I can find very little information online. However, the most common causes of neuropathy seem to be diabetes, excessive alcohol consumption, or a serious accident.

      Good luck with your new bathroom and stairlift. They are things that my wife and I are looking at as we suspect that we are going to need to make similar changes to our house.

      All the best,



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