On Wednesday I carefully rested for most of the day in order to conserve my energy so that I could set up and take part in a battle using the Portable Ancient Wargame rules from DEVELOPING THE PORTABLE WARGAME. My strategy worked, and I had a very enjoyable evening introducing my opponent (Richard) and an interested bystander (Ian) to the joys of THE PORTABLE WARGAME system.
I provided the terrain and Richard provided the figures ... and it turned out that although he had been assembling his collection for some years, he had not had the opportunity to fight a wargame with them. The terrain looked like this:
I chose to field a Spartan army ...
The right of the Spartan army. It comprised a unit of slingers and two units of Helot spearmen.
The center of the Spartan army. It comprised eight units of Hoplites.
The left of the Spartan army. It comprised a unit of slingers and two units of Helot spearmen.
... and my opponent chose the Athenians. (He even provided a suitably ruined temple for Athena to occupy and oversee her city-state's army.)
The Athenian army.
Two units of Athenian Hoplites.
Two more units of Athenian Hoplites.
The Athenians took the offensive ...
... and after both sides used their light troops to try to disrupt their opponent's Hoplites ...
... the battle soon became a trial of strength between the rival bodies of Hoplites.
It was a hard fought battle ... but the Athenians eventually prevailed and the Spartans withdrew after losing their slingers and Helot spearmen in order to preserve their elite Hoplites.
The battle took just under an hour to fight, and once it was over we reset the forces and re-fought the battle twice more, firstly using the 'two hits = unit destroyed' rule and 'two hits plus hit effect' rule. The Athenians won both battles, and they even managed to kill the Spartan commander during the last battle.
By the end of the evening Richard and Ian were both enthusiastic converts to the whole PORTABLE WARGAME concept ... and I hope to be able to give them a chance to try the PORTABLE NAPOLEONIC WARGAME rules soon.
Great to see you got some games played this week Bob
ReplyDeleteYour opponent must have been delighted to get a chance to use his beautifully painted figures
Maudlin Jack Tar,
DeleteIt was great evening of wargaming … but I was very tired on Thursday.
My opponent was very pleased to have been able to use his figure collection and told me that he now intends to use them in solo wargames.
All the best,
ReplyDeleteIt is good news that both you and Richard enjoyed the Ancients games- the figures look fantastic and your terrain in cork worked very well. Best Wishes. KEV.
Kev Robertson (Kev),
DeleteI was very happy with the whole experience … and I got the impression that my opponent was equally pleased!
The cork tiles worked very well indeed and I will certain ly be using it again in the future.
All the best,
Looks fantastic, Bob, and being able to play three games in an evening makes the Portable Wargames perfect for club nights, and for introducing people to such delights! Now I wonder if Richard has any Persians? Then you can introduce some more troop types (archers and cavalry come to mind) and in the interaction of these different troop types the true beauty of Ancient Wargaming can be revealed!!
DeleteCheers! We started setting up the terrain and troops just after 6.30pm and had packed away by 9.30pm … and managed three games! Not bad by any measure!
I understand that Richard has Saxons and Vikings, but no Persians … yet! He did field two units of Athenian archers and one of cavalry, and they proved decisive in two of the battles.
All the best,
Fantastic looking game! I'm glad you were able to get out and play. Always good to get new converts!
ReplyDeleteMark Cordone,
DeleteIt was a great series of wargames, and I came away with quite a few ideas that I hope to try out with my new cork terrain. I hope to fight further PW battles soon!
All the best,
Bob -
ReplyDeleteGreat to see you getting in some actual war gaming! Simple and attractive set-up - and great looking figures, too. Not often you see an army so ... pointedly? ... Athenian. Clearly Richard's set-up is designed for a 'Peloponnesian War'. All he needs now is a navy for each!
Archduke Piccolo (Ion),
DeleteIt’s a long term since I actually took part in tabletop wargame with an opponent … and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience!
I hope to interest Richard in fighting a FP3x3PW campaign based on the HOPLITE system. He has the figures … and it should be possible to find some suitable ships for the fleets without too much difficulty.
All the best,
Very happy to read you were able to get out and game! It's even better that you were able to to so and help someone get their figures on the table for a game.
ReplyDeleteJohn Y,
DeleteIt was a ‘win-win’ for both of us … and I hope that it will be the first of many more wargames.
All the best,
A great introduction for wargamers trying the PW rules!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like you had a good time and games!
DeleteIan was very sceptical when I told him that the rules were fast and easy to use … but he wasn’t by the end of the evening!
All the best,
DeleteCheers! I hope that this will be the first wargame of many more.
All the best,
A joy to read, Bob…getting out for some games AND new recruits. Excellent 👍🏼🙂
ReplyDeleteMartin S.,
DeleteI’m pleased that you enjoyed reading this blog post; I certainly had a great time and I seem to have acquired two potential PW converts as well. Not a bad evening’s entertainment!
All the best,