
Sunday 9 June 2024

The latest YouTube video has been uploaded

I have just uploaded the latest video about the Franco-Prussian War of 1810 to the Wargaming Miscellany channel. It tells the story of the Battle of the Leipzig Gap, which is the fourth battle of the war.

The video can be seen using this link.


  1. Another fine battle report, but another devastating loss for the Prussians. One wonders how much fight they have left in them. It is very interesting watching these battle reports, it provides a different tactical viewpoint. Were I playing I would have played both sides differently, but I think I would have been closer to the French in tactics. I do have a tendency to be very aggressive, even when playing the defending side. Food for thought for my own games.

    1. Mark Cordone,

      Thanks for your comment. After starting so well, the Prussians have been given a beating by the French ... and they are going to have problems recovering quickly enough. The French hold the whip hand, and will no doubt exercise it.

      All th best,


  2. Having watched your video report I've got hooked to Wargaming Videos! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      Be warned! They can be rather addictive!

      All the best,



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