
Monday 8 April 2024

A gift to raise one’s spirits!

An unexpected gift is always something to gladded one’s heart … and one such gift arrived in the post on Friday. It was WARGAMING WORLD SOLO: ANCIENT TO MODERN SOLO WARGAMING by Gregory Ward, ...

... and it was sent to me by my old friend Tony Hawkins (AKA The Amazing Antony – Mind Reader).

The book contains a large number of colour photographs and is split into the following parts and chapters:

  • Preface
    • What is Wargaming World Solo?
    • Author's Notes
    • Common Links
    • Wargaming World Solo Ruleset Design & Purpose
  • The Golden Rules
  • Wargaming Solo – Overview & Step by Step Set Up
  • Part 1 – Preparing the game
    • The Focal Point & Strategic Objectives
    • Unit Quality – Troops, Leaders & Impact
    • Game Characters – Leaders, Skills & Casualties
    • Battle Plans & Taking Sides
  • Part 2 – Playing the game
    • Force Deployment
    • Game Turn Sequence
    • Solo Player Unit Activation & Commands
    • Random Events
    • Flank & Reserve Units
    • Movement – Marker Phase & Deployment
    • Movement – Both Forces
    • The "Virtual You" – Reactions & Decision" Making
    • Shooting
    • Hand to hand Fighting
    • Morale
  • Part 3 – Tools for the game
  • Appendices

Considering the number of wargamers who either choose to fight their wargames solo or who are forced to do so as a result of their circumstances, the number of books dedicated to solo wargaming are few in number.

This latest one is a very welcome addition to the genre and certainly provides lots of ideas for those of us who are already solo wargamers and it is an excellent starting point for someone who is contemplating solo wargaming.

The rules seem eminently playable, and I particularly liked the way the writer has presented the game sequence as a flowchart. This is something that I have tried to do myself in the past and the author's version is certainly easier to understand than mine was!

WARGAMING WORLD SOLO: ANCIENT TO MODERN SOLO WARGAMING was written by Gregory Ward and published in 2024 by Caliver Books (ISBN 978 1 85818 847 8).


  1. Looks very interesting Bob and definitely one for me I think.
    The Virtual You decision making section will be of particular interest (though I'm not sure I'd get on with the Virtual Me!)

    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      I have yet to use the ‘Virtual You’ mechanisms, but they look interesting. I understand that Dan Mersey’s rules include something similar, which he names ‘Mr Babbage’.

      All the best,


    2. Hi thanks both for your comments. The book was published in March & I'd be happy to discuss here or via the Wargaming World Solo Facebook group. Check too the website with videos at Thanks again, Greg

    3. Gregory Ward,

      Thanks for the link to your website, which I have now visited. I also hope to join the relevant Facebook page as soon as I am able to.

      All the best,


  2. One to interest me that,s for sure, I haven't heard of this one, so will check it out.

    1. Donnie McGibbon,

      It was not a book I’d heard of before it was sent to me. I’m looking forward to trying out some of the mechanisms.

      All the best,


  3. Bob, This certainly looks interesting and could be very useful in my present situation. Thank you for bringing it to my notice! I hope the 'large number of colour photographs' are actually used to explain the author's mechanisms and are not mere 'eye candy'. I look forward to reading your verdict when you have experimented with them.
    IIRC Daniel Mersey's 'Mr Babbage' is - to quote Captain Jack Sparrow - 'more a set of guidelines' than a rigid set of rules or mechanisms.
    David Heard's Solo Wargaming: A Practitioner's Guide, to be published by Pen & Sword in June, may prove to be better value, as it is 200pp rather than 80pp?
    Best wishes, Arthur

    1. Arthur1815 (Arthur),

      A lot of the photos are used to show how the mechanisms work so it is not a book full of wargaming eye candy.

      I’ve never used ‘Mr Babbage’, but a set of tools rather than a rigid set of rules always appeals to the wargaming tinkerer in me.

      My only doubt about books from Pen & Sword is their history of producing ones that are full of typos and other mistakes. That said, I’ll still look out for the book when it is published.

      All the best,


    2. Bob, that's good to know; I may well order a copy. I have arranged for a review copy when it's published and will send you details. Are you sure you]re not confusing Pen & Sword with Helion?
      Best wishes,

    3. Arthur1815 (Arthur),

      I’d certainly appreciate a review copy ofthe new book when it’s published.

      I may well have confused Pen & Sword with Helion. At my advanced age, confusion is far too often the norm!

      All the best,


  4. This is a very new book, I believe, only recently available - very king of Tomy! 👍🏼. The author has his own facebook group (‘Wargaming World Solo’) dealing with solo gaming, and has also started to post youtube videos relating to the book and its systems. Looks good 👍🏼👍🏼
    To find them on youtube, search ‘How to Play Wargaming World Solo - Game Set-Up’, for example.

    1. Martin S.,

      Tony must have bought one of the first copies sold … and I am very grateful that he did.

      I knew that he had a YouTube channel as well but not a Facebook page. I’ll look it up asap.

      All the best,


  5. This looks very interesting, what a wonderful gift!

    1. Mark Cordone,

      It is both an interesting and a great gift!

      All the best,



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