
Monday 20 May 2024

Warship 2024

This year's issue of WARSHIP was delivered just over a week ago and since then I have spent several very happy hours reading it.

This issue was edited by John Jordan, and contains the following article:

  • Editorial
  • Nagato and Mutsu: The 16in-gun battleships that Survived the Washington Treaty by Hans Lengerer
  • The beginnings of Soviet naval power: The flotilla leader Tashkent and her would-be successors by Przemyslaw Bubzbon
  • Action off the Bosphorous, 10 May 1915 by Toby Ewin
  • SuffrenDuquesne: France's first modern carrier escorts by Jean Moulin
  • The escort destroyers of the Matsu and Tachibana classes by Kathrin Milanovich
  • The making of an armed merchant cruise: SMS Seeadler by Dirk Nottelmann
  • The battleship Bouvet, martyr of the Dardanelles by Philippe Caresse
  • Mussolini's caprices: the Italian midget submarines and elektroboote of 1934-1943 by Enrico Cernuschi
  • Fit for purpose? The Royal Navy's Fishery Protection Squadron, 1883-2023 by Jon Wise
  • From Orel to Iwami by Stephen McLaughlin
  • Warship Notes
    • From Graf Zeppelin to Aquila: The Italian Navy's assessment of the German carrier, 1941-1942 by Enrico Cernusschi
    • The Niger, Le Mage and Faidherbe: A tale of river gunboats by Ian Sturton
    • HMS Cossack and Mr Rapley: A cautionary tale by John Roberts
    • An outsider's view of the Marine Nationale's naval construction organisation by Conrad Waters
    • 'Zombies' in warship history: A few more of the 'zombie facts' that continue to stalk the history of the world's warships by Aidan Dodson
  • A's and A's
  • Naval Books of the Year
  • Warship Gallery
    • The Soviet Navy 1960-1990 by John Jordan

Yet again, there is a lot of very interesting stuff in this year's annual. In fact, every single contribution was top notch, and I will certainly be re-reading it and consulting it again and again. Of particular interest to me was Toby Ewin's article, Action off the Bosphorous, 10 May 1915. Not only do I have an interest in the fighting that took place between the Ottoman and Imperial Russian Navies during the Great War but I also know Toby quite well and have had long and interesting discussions with him, particularly about naval wargaming during the period from 1880 to 1920.

The short article about the French river gunboats Niger, Le Mage, and Faidherbe includes some interesting plans and illustrations of these vessels, and will be of great assistance to any Colonial wargamers who are looking to model some small non-British river gunboats.

My one regret is that the second part of the The German Flak Ships series of articles that was originally going to be included in this volume has had to be postponed until 2025 ... but it gives me an excuse to buy next year's publication ... not that I needed much of an excuse!

WARSHIP 2024 was edited by John Jordan, assisted by Stephen Dent, and published in 2024 by Osprey Publishing (ISBN 978 1 4728 6330 0).

Sunday 19 May 2024

A Victor Meldrew moment

Yesterday I had what I can best describe as a Victor Meldrew moment.

I was reading the Naval Wargaming Facebook page when I saw that someone had bought my GRIDDED NAVAL WARGAMES book from Walmart Online! Now, this was news to me, so I investigated further … and discovered the Walmart Online actually has ALL my books on sale!

This is amazing! I cannot get my books stocked by any of the UK High Street booksellers but an American multinational retail corporation will sell them online.

As Victor Meldrew would have said, 'I don't believe it!'

Friday 17 May 2024

At last, I have managed to create my first Wargaming Miscellany YouTube video!

I intended to publish this just before I went into hospital in early April, but never got around to uploading the video or this blog post.

After many false starts, failed attempts, and procrastination on my part, I have finally managed to create my first Wargaming Miscellany YouTube video!

It is a very simple explanation about my wargaming background and why I have created the Wargaming Miscellany YouTube channel. Art it isn't ... but everyone has to start somewhere so that they can learn from their mistakes and gradually improve.

(I started out trying to film myself but just could not get it right. In the end I decided that the quickest way to get started was to produce a PowerPoint presentation with a commentary and then to record it as in mp4 format. It seems to have worked, and has given me the confidence to think about making further videos.)

I have no idea what the next video will be about, but it will appear sometime soon ... I hope!

The video can be seen using this link.

Thursday 16 May 2024

I'm now able to use my laptop!

Thanks to a recent visit by my brother, I am now able to use my laptop ... which is incredibly liberating!

Although I have been able to blog and email using my iPad and iPhone, I am always much happier using a proper keyboard and a larger screen ... and now I can! My brother copied all the files that were on my PC - which I could not access as it was two floors away - onto an external hard drive that I can now connect to my laptop.

This small improvement to my current siltation has considerably boosted my morale, and with luck I'll be able to start doing some serious writing again very soon.

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Archduke Piccolo’s huge ShamBattle game

Before my recent accident and subsequent immobility, I had been looking at whether it might be possible to meld my PORTABLE WARGAME rules with elements drawn from SHAMBATTLE. I even managed to fight a wargame to test the concept … and was so pleased with the result that I hoped to develop this project further.

To date I’ve been unable to do so, but Archduke Piccolo has, and the results are even better than I could have envisaged.

His work has firmly convinced me that if and when I regain my mobility, this will be a project that I will definitely want to pursue further.

Please note that photographs featured above are © Archduke Piccolo.

Monday 13 May 2024

There’s a few book reviews in the offing …

Thanks to my current situation (i.e. being stuck in bed or in an orthopaedic chair all the time) I’ve been doing a lot of reading and my regular blog readers can expect to see quite a few book reviews appearing on my blog in the immediate future. I usually have two or three books on the go at any time (usually a fiction one and at least one non-fiction book) so that I don’t get bored with what I am reading. I don’t know if other people read like this, but over the years it’s become something that I regard as normal.

Sunday 12 May 2024

Guy Debord’s wargame

Guy-Ernest Debord (28th December 1931 to 30th November 1994) was a French Marxist theorist, philosopher, filmmaker, critic, member of the Letterist International, founder of a Letterist faction, and founding member of the Situationist International. He was also the designer of a gridded wargame.

I first became aware of Debord’s wargame in 2014 as a result of reading Richard Barbrook’s CLASS WARGAMES: LUDIC SUBVERSION AGAINST SPECTACULAR CAPITALISM. He and others in his London-based situationist ludic-science group had recreated Debord's Le Jeu de la Guerre and taken it on a tour around parts of Europe, Asia and South America.

As I have a great interest in any wargame design that uses a gridded playing surface, I sought out more information about the game’s mechanisms. The internet proved to be very useful in this quest and I was able to see several still photographs of a game in progress. I also found a page on the Class Wargames website that not only showed the various components required to play the game but also several very useful links that included translations of the rules into English and French as well as Radical Software Group's Kriegspiel computerised version of the game.

I downloaded the latter onto my iPad, and it has proven to be a great way to fill the wargaming void I am currently in whilst I am immobile, The rules are simple to learn and the online version has a variety of solo scenarios one can use. In solo mode the role of one’s opponent is taken on by the games built-in AI, which I have found to be less predictable than I would have expected. The program also includes the option to play a remote opponent.

The one thing that I particularly like about the rules is the need for players to maintain viable supply lines. If units are not able to do so, they cannot move although they can defend themselves against enemy attacks. This is certainly something that I may well use and/or adapt in any future strategic gridded wargames that I design.

On the screenshot shown above, the fixed supply depots are shown as tents …

… and the mobile supply depots are indicated by icons that combine a flag and wheel.

Lines of supply are indicated by dotted lines.

Friday 10 May 2024

Nicholas Monsarrat’s ‘The Master Mariner’

After having read his book THE CRUEL SEA, I decided to read Nicholas Monsarrat’s last (and unfinished) two-volume work, THE MASTER MARINER.

The books tell the story of Matthew Lawe, an Elizabethan sailor who, as a result of cowardice in the face of the enemy, is condemned to live until ‘all the seas run dry’.

The first book is entitled THE MASTER MARINER: RUNNING PROUD, and begins with Matthew serving as Sir Francis Drake’s coxswain at the time of the Spanish Armada. Our hero serves on Drake’s flagship and is given command of the leading fire ship sent into the midst of the anchored Spanish fleet. He jumps overboard too early, and is cursed by one of injured sailors who remains aboard the fire ship.

Matthew is picked up by one of the Spanish galleons that escapes the attack by the fire ships, and he is subjected to ill treatment by the crew and the ship’s priest. He eventually escapes, just before the galleon explodes and sinks just outside Tobermory. 

Matthew next serves aboard Henry Hudson’s Discovery during its voyage to find the Northwest Passage. He is involved in the mutiny that ended with Hudson and the loyal members of the crew being put into an open boat and set adrift to die. The mutineers return to England where they are arrested and put on trial … but left unpunished.

The action then moves to the Caribbean, where Matthew serves as a pirate under Henry Morgan and the French privateer, Simon Montbarre. Sickened by the barbarity he sees, Matthew final escapes and is advised to get as far away as possible. He takes passage on a small trading vessel that is returning to England and arrives in Portsmouth in time to witness the launch of a new yacht for King Charles II. As a result, he meets Samuel Pepys, and eventually becomes an Admiralty clerk during Pepys time as Chief Secretary to theAdmiralty.

Matthew loses his post after the Glorious Revolution in 1688 and then his hard-earned savings as a result of the speculation boom that arose on the back of the South Sea Bubble. After a period in the Fleet Prison for debt, he manages to get released in exchange for agreeing to serve for five years aboard a Portuguese fishing vessel that operates off Newfoundland’s Grand Banks.

At the end of the fishing season Matthew and several other crew members are left behind at St John’s Newfoundland, where they exist by trading with the local natives. One of his fellow sailors is viciously killed and when a new and tyrannical ‘Fishing Admiral’ takes control of St John’s, Matthew allows himself to be impressed by the Royal Navy to serve aboard HMS Pembroke.

As a result, he meets and eventually works for James Cook and takes part in the run up to the Battle of Quebec before accompanying Cook on his voyages of exploration. By the time of Cook’s death, Matthew had attained the rank of lieutenant in the Royal Navy, and after the return to the United Kingdom of Cook’s expedition, he is ‘put on the beach’.

After a period of inactivity, Matthew next serves as a general factotum for another beached officer, Horatio Nelson. Nelson was living in his family’s home in Norfolk, and Matthew fulfils all sorts of duties around the small estate. When Nelson is recalled to service, Matthew goes with him and takes part in all of Nelson’s victories as well as being a witness to Nelson’s obsession with Emma Hamilton. However, just before Nelson is shot on the deck of HMS Victory, Matthew sees the danger and hides … reinforcing his damnation for cowardice in the face of the enemy.

The second book - THE MASTER MARINER: DARKEN SHIP - was never finished, but certain parts were completed in draft and others in outline.

The first part deals with Matthew’s service as captain of a slave ship taking trade goods to West Africa, then a cargo of slaves to Barbados, and ending with bringing back to the United Kingdom the products of the Caribbean and the United States. This ends when the War of 1812 breaks out between the US and Britain, causing disruption of the cross-Atlantic trade.

1813 sees the unemployed Matthew being impressed into the Royal Navy as a gunner and taking part in the battle between the frigates Chesapeake and Shannon. This is followed by his service as a common sailor alongside Herman Melville on a clipper engaged in the China tea trade.

When that ends, Matthew joins the expedition to find out what happened to Sir John Franklin’s last expedition to discover the North-West Passage.

After this he becomes seaman and later a ‘supercargo’ on some of the earliest steam merchant ships. During his service he meets Samuel Plimsoll of Plimsoll Line fame, the merchant navy officer and later novelist Joseph Conrad, the leading Victorian novelist John Galsworthy, and the first solo round-the-world sailor Joshua Slocum.

The next part covers Matthew’s service during the First World War, during which he takes part in the Gallipoli Landings and the Battle of Jutland, serves aboard a Q-ship during the anti-submarine campaign in the Western Approaches, and takes part in the Zeebrugge Raid.

In the inter-war period Matthew takes part in a disastrous voyage to the West Indies after which he works as a shopkeeper, looking after a number of laid up merchant ships. When the Second World War breaks out, Matthew goes back to sea and takes part in the Malta convoys and the D-Day landings in Normandy.

Matthew finally finds salvation in the late 1970s when he is serving as a steward aboard the brand new liner Queen Elizabeth 2 - where he triggers serious industrial dispute - and then on a bulk oil carrier traversing the new St Lawrence Seaway.  During a run ashore he meets a young woman who sings the words of Burn’s A RED RED ROSE, which includes the words ‘all the seas run dry’. On returning to his ship, he finds that during de-oiling a hose has leaked and the oil has spread across the deck and caught fire. To stop this fire spreading, a door has to be closed, and Matthew dashes through the flames and shuts it. He is badly burned, and dies … but his aging dead body suddenly regains the look of a twenty-two or twenty-three-year-old, the age he was when he committed the act of cowardice that had originally condemned him to a semi-eternal life.

It is a pity that Monsarrat never finished the second book but had he, this pair of novels would have been an excellent telling of Britain’s naval history from the Elizabeth I to Elizabeth II.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

The Land of Counterpane by Robert Louis Stephenson

I know that this poem has been quoted by other wargamers in similar circumstances, but I felt that I wanted to share it today as re-reading it helped to lift my spirits after having to return to hospital again three times in six days for a series of scans.

When I was sick and lay a-bed
I had two pillows at my head,
And all my toys beside me lay
To keep me happy all the day.

And sometimes for an hour or so
I watched my leaden soldiers go,
With different uniforms and drills,
Among the bed-clothes, through the hills;

And sometimes sent my ships in fleets
All up and down among the sheets;
Or brought my trees and houses out,
And planted cities all about.

I was the giant great and still
That sits upon the pillow-hill,
And sees before him, dale and plain,
The pleasant land of counterpane.

In the time since I left hospital last week, I’ve had to go back twice for an MRI scan and a CT scan, and yesterday morning I went back again for a whole body bone scan. Each time I have had to be transported in both directions by member of the HATS patient transport service in specially adapted ambulances. They have done a wonderful job and I cannot praise them too highly.

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Being back home

I’ve now been home from hospital for a week and I’m beginning to get into the routine of living in our conservatory. Each day my two carers visit four times to make sure that I’m given a bed bath and dressed, my bed is made, that I’ve eaten, that I’ve taken my medications, and I’m hoisted out of bed so the I can sit in my orthopaedic chair. They also check on my stoma bag and empty my urine bottle.

Now, they are supposed to come at approximately the same times every day BUT to date this has not happened. The supervisor (whose name is Mike) is very punctual, but his assistant (whose name is Abdul) is always late … sometimes by as much as thirty minutes. On one occasion he was even later, but this was because the previous person he had done a care visit to had fallen over and Abdul had had to wait for an emergency ambulance to arrive to take the unlucky person to hospital.

My normal day should be as follows:

  • By 10.00am: Wake up, eat breakfast, and take my medications.
  • 10.00am to 10.45am: Bed bath, change of clothes, and hoisted into my chair.
  • 10.45am to 1.30pm: Rest in my chair, read books and my Kindle, watch TV, use my iPad and iPhone, and eat lunch at about 12.30pm.
  • 1.30pm to 2.00pm: Quick check that everything is alright before being hoisted back into bed to rest my legs.
  • 2.00pm to 4.30pm: Sleep and/or carry on with what I had been doing all morning.
  • 4.30pm to 5.00pm: Quick check that everything is alright before being hoisted back into my orthopaedic chair.
  • 5.00pm to 9.00pm: As for 10.45am to 1.30pm except that I eat dinner … usually at about 7.30pm.
  • 9.00pm to 9.30pm: Quick check that everything is alright before being hoisted back into bed for the night.
  • 9.30pm onwards: Read books and my Kindle, watch TV, and use my iPad and iPhone until it’s time to go to sleep.

This is the pattern I should have been following since I left hospital BUT several things (besides Abdul’s erratic timekeeping) have disrupted this.

On Thursday 2nd May I had to return to hospital at 6.15pm for CT scan on my left knee and on Friday 3rd May I had to go back for an MRI scan of my chest, abdomen, and pelvic area. Luckily, the HATS transport team (they are called Lee and Pete) that was sent to take me in on both occasions was the same one that had brought me home from hospital. They knew exactly how to get me in and out of bed and into the ambulance without any difficulties, and they even arranged to bring me back home after my treatment on Friday. Unfortunately, I missed being brought home by them on Thursday and the replacement crew had all sorts of problems getting me out of the ambulance (they parked too far away and had to bump me up the curb rather than using the sloped crossover) and into the conservatory (they used the standard wheelchair which would not fit through our kitchen doorway and not the smaller one that will).

I have a further visit to hospital today for a full body bone scan and on Friday 10th May I go back to the Fracture Clinic so that they can check on my progress. After that, I should be remaining bed-bound for at least another fortnight and possibly even longer.

Thursday 2 May 2024

Another big thank you … and taking a bit of a rest

I’d like to reiterate my thanks to everyone who made supportive, helpful, and humbling comments on my recent blog posts about my time in hospital. Now that I’m home, I’m having to adjust to the new norm, which is living in our conservatory with carers coming in four times each day to make sure that I’m clean, comfortable, and have been taking my medications. They’ve also hoisted me out of bed in the morning so that I can sit in my orthopaedic chair for approximately six hours each day.

Sue has been marvellous - as usual - and been coping with the almost daily changes to her routine. She loves to make clothes and cut out a garment the day after I went into hospital … but has yet to begin sewing it together. She is obviously physically and mentally drained and - like me - she needs to have some rest.

As a result, I’m probably going to give blogging a rest for a couple of days so that both of us can recharge our batteries. I have several things that I want to write about, but none of them are urgent and those blog posts can wait.

Bye for now … and I’ll be back soon!

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Side Room 1, Ward 24 (Part 3) … and home at last!

I fell asleep by midnight and if there hadn’t been a disturbance in one of the nearby rooms at 3.00am  (it sounded like one of the other patients was experiencing mental issues during the night), I would have had an uninterrupted sleep until I was woken at 5,45am to have my blood pressure, oxygen level, and temperature checks done. This was followed by a very refreshing bed bath and change of bedclothes, during which I had a chat with the nurses about finally going home.

By 8.00pm I had eaten breakfast and had dressed to go home. Then the wait started. At 10.00am the transport coordinator came to see me, and after asking some questions about access to my house, announced that they would need a double team (i.e. four people) to move me … and that this was unlikely to happen until after midday! Apparently, the transport request should have been made on the previous day … BEFORE the decision that I could go home had been made!

It was therefore something of a surprise when two members of the HATS patient transportation team arrived and began preparing to take me home. They did a magnificent job, and by 1.00pm I was home and in bed.

At this point, everything seemed to be getting better … but within an hour the mechanism that controlled the air mattress began to sound alarm bells and the mattress slowly deflated! It actually became too painful to lay down in the bed, and I was lucky that the carers arrived at that point so that they could hoist me out of the bed and into my orthopaedic chair.

After a hurried lunch, Sue contacted the contractor who supplied the air mattress and they agree to send someone to fix it … by 8.00pm! As this was after the time that the carers were supposed to hoist me back onto the bed, it looked as if I might end up sleeping in my chair, sleeping on a deflated mattress, or even returning to hospital … none of which was an ideal solution to the problem.

Luckily, the technician arrived within a couple of hours and knew exactly what was wrong: the emergency CPR valve on the mattress had not been shut. This is in place so that if the patient requires CPR, the mattress can be instantly deflated, thus rendering the CPR more effective. The mattress appear to inflate if the valve is not shut but as soon as anyone gets on it, it deflates.

Thanks to the carers, I was able to spend until 8.30pm in my orthopaedic chair (which is far more comfortable than sitting up in bed) before getting back into bed, and Sue and I were able to spend the evening eating and chatting until it was time for us to go to sleep. Being home must have agreed with me as I slept from just after 11.00pm until 7.15am this morning with only a short break at 3.00am when I needed to have a pee!

A quick view of my ‘new’ bedroom.

At least I now have daylight and something to see other than four hospital walls.