
Tuesday 17 September 2024

Hare & Hounds meets ShamBattle? Well, sort of ...

After giving it some more thought, I took my adapted version of the Hare & Hounds board ...

... and redrew it with each square as a 3 x 3 grid. The result looked like this:

The capital cities and towns are indicated by a central light grey square in the centre of six of the 3 x 3 grid squares and the border is shown by the red line running across the centre of the Hare & Hounds/ShamBattle hybrid board.

I chose to divide each large square into a 3 x 3 Fast Play Portable Wargame (3 x 3 FPPW) tabletop so that the above could be used as a campaign aid for wargamers who want to generate battles using the 3 x 3 FPPW rules but who don't want to burden themselves with a large campaign map.

Here are my suggested campaign rules:

  1. Each side divides its forces* into several numbered formations (e.g. 1st Infantry Division, 2nd Cavalry Brigade) and garrison troops.
  2. Each formation must comprise at least two units and may begin the war in any large square on their side of the frontier but not in a frontier square.
  3. Each side's garrison troops are stationed in their city square (two units) and the town squares (one unit per town) and they may not move away from that square. (These garrison troops are always Poor quality militia and/or Invalid# troops.)
  4. Each turn represents one day.
  5. At the start of each campaign turn both sides roll a D6 die. The side that scores the highest die score moves its troops first. (N.B. If both sides D6 die scores are the same, both sides roll their D6 dies score again.)
  6. The side moving first rolls a further D6 die and this determines how many of their formations they may move. (N.B. No formation may be moved more than once each campaign turn.)
  7. Formations may move from one large square to another along the links between those large squares.
  8. If one side moves a formation into a large square that is already occupied by an enemy formation that enemy formation can decide to immediately retreat or to fight.
    • If it chooses to retreat, this is permitted and does not count as its movement for that turn.
    • If it chooses to fight, that side is deemed to be the defender and the formation that has moved into the large square is deemed to be the attacker.
  9. Any battles are resolved using the 3 x 3 FPPW rules (or a similar set of rules) before the next campaign turn takes place.

These rules are as yet untested ... but I hope that they will work reasonably well.

* It is recommended that both sides have the same total strength points.

# Invalid troops are veteran troops who are no longer fit enough for frontline service.


  1. This looks like a very nice approach for running a fast play campaign Bob.

    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      I think that this concept has possibilities. Arthur Harman certainly thinks so, and is developing his own version for a French 1814 campaign.

      All the best,


  2. This looks very interesting. I have a couple of projects in progress, but upon completion I may give it a go. In the meantime I'd be very interested in anyone else's results.

    1. Mark Cordone,

      I’d be interested to read your opinions and ideas.

      All the best,


    2. I think I would place the town squares in the center of the row of squares closest to the capital, and on the defenders baseline since the garrisons would be defending them. Maybe require a force to have at least three units to fight a battle, and if a force advances into an enemy occupied square with less than three units they must all be cavalry.

    3. Mark Cordone,

      Thanks for the interesting suggestions. I particularly like the idea about having a minimum number of non-cavalry units as I hope that players might use their cavalry to either scout squares that aren’t occupied by enemy units or act as a shield for their own side’s advancing (or retreating) units.

      All the best,



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