
Thursday 11 July 2024

Two hundred YouTube channel subscribers!

Yesterday the Wargaming Miscellany channel on YouTube reached a milestone that I never expected to achieve ... the number of subscribers passed two hundred!

I only set up the channel on 17th May, and never expected to achieve more than a dozen or so subscribers. To reach two hundred is absolutely gob smacking and a real surprise ... and it will encourage me to carry on making my videos.

Thanks to all my regular blog readers who have also subscribed to the Wargaming Miscellany YouTube channel, and to those of you who haven't yet paid it a visit or thought about subscribing, please do so.


  1. "it will encourage me to carry on making my videos" - good!

    1. Colinmnash,

      I have two completed videos ready to be uploaded (they are about War Plan Orange and the Unbuilt Post-War Battleships and Battlecruiser) and another that I currently working on. I will probably upload the latter first as the others were specially created for COW, which won’t be taking place until next weekend.

      All the best,


  2. congratulations. keep up the good work. your videos and books are inspirational.
    P last time i did not think the reply was uploaded hence the double post.

    1. Maxx142,

      Cheers! I am enjoying making the videos now that I have mastered the technique.

      All the best,


  3. Replies
    1. Mark Cordone,

      Since I wrote this blog post, the number of subscribers has grown even more.

      All the best,


  4. Congratulations on this milestone!

    You've worked with still images and slides so far, have you considered playing a game out in real time? It'll get your runtime up to over 10 minutes easily and that'll help you with that black magic known as The Algorithm.
    It'd also be fun to watch you push tin men around the battlefield and roll the dice, which could let you think out loud and demonstrate the game as it is played.

    1. Mr. Pavone,

      I hope to create a video showing me fighting a wargame once I have the space to do so. At the moment I am immobile and spend my day in bed or sitting in an orthopedic chair working on my laptop. I do have a very small foldable table that I can work on, but I would be hard pressed to set up and video a game on it ... so I am afraid that making videos with a bit more action in them is unfortunately going to have to wait.

      All the best,


  5. Hola Bob

    Mis más sinceras felicitaciones por tus suscriptores, y orgulloso de ser uno de ellos, tus vídeos me gustan muchísimo y además me sirven para mejorar mi inglés.

    Mis mejores deseos.

    1. Hello Bob

      My most sincere congratulations for your subscribers, and proud to be one of them, I really like your videos and they also help me improve my English.

      All the best.


      Thank you for your congratulations. They are much appreciated … as is your subscription.

      I am pleased that my videos are helping you to develop your understanding of English, which – unlike Spanish – is a rather ramshackle collection of words drawn from many different linguistic origins!

      All the best,



      Gracias por tus felicitaciones. Son muy apreciados... al igual que su suscripción.

      Me complace que mis videos te ayuden a desarrollar tu comprensión del inglés, que, a diferencia del español, es una colección bastante destartalada de palabras extraídas de muchos orígenes lingüísticos diferentes.

      Mis mejores deseos,


  6. I just subscribed as well. Now finding the time to watch all those videos, that's a different question! :-)

    1. Phil Dutré,

      Thanks for subscribing ... and I hope that you manage to watch some - if not all - of my videos at some point.

      All the best,



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