
Thursday, 13 February 2025

A new laptop: Hopefully the answer to my computer problem

After a lot of attempts to solve my computer problems, I finally decided to buy a refurbished Acer laptop that was fitted with a more powerful processor and more solid-state memory than my existing HP one. It arrived on Tuesday, and since then I have been slowly setting it up.

I now have a working laptop that can save files to OneDrive and that has the latest version of Microsoft 365. I am currently transferring all my files over to OneDrive and – as a backup – to the hard drive on my old desktop computer.

This may seem to be a bit of a 'belt and braces' approach to solving the problem I had, but I'd rather have multiple locations on which my files are stored than to risk losing some of them in the future.

Now that has been done, I can start working on a number of projects that have been in a state of suspension since the middle of January.


  1. I still have my old acer laptop, about 10 years old.
    Always gave good service, unlike HP what died after 2 years.


    1. Tiberian General (Willz),

      Over the years I’ve used laptops from a variety of manufacturers, but the best have been those from Acer, Asus, and HP. I’ve tended to favour HP, mainly because my printers have usually been from HP, but when I began looking around for a new one, the Acer model that I bought was by far the best for the price.

      All the best,


  2. BOB,
    My PC is an ACER - a very good brand. I still like the idea to store my files as back-up on USB sticks. Works well. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      The Acer laptop that I’ve bought was the best value for the price. As to using USB memory sticks … well, I’m using them as well to store the files I am currently working on as well as on the hard drive … just in case!

      All the best,


  3. Glad to read that you're fully operational again Bob.
    My experience with an HP laptop was not good.
    Currently still using a 9 year old DELL - it will have to be replaced soon as it is very creaky now.
    Belt and braces is the way to go with your precious digital storage.

    1. Maudlin Jack Tar,

      I’m getting there … slowly.

      Finding a decent laptop seems to be a bit hit-and-miss. In the past, I’ve never had any problems with HP laptops, but this last one didn’t seem to be able to cope with the latest Windows 11 update, hence the decision to buy an ASU’s this time.

      Belt, braces, another belt, and a second pair of braces would best describe my present strategy!

      All the best,


  4. Hi Bob,
    Glad to see things are moving forward. I cannot remember if it was already mentioned but there is of course the old trick of emailing a file to yourself. I still do this if there is a file I really don't want to lose!

    1. Steve (Steve),

      Now that is a very, very interesting - and simple - way to ‘save’ files! Thank you for sharing it!

      All the best,


  5. You may recall that I had taken your recent hard drive misfortune as a prompt to do my annual backup. appears that the D drive on my PC (the one with all my stuff--that I had backed up, thankfully) crashed yesterday (!). So I'm right behind ye' on the tech hell road.

    1. Ed M,

      Sorry to read that your computer crashed … but at least you had backed it up recently! I am now scheduling a regular backup myself … just in case!

      All the best,



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