
Saturday 12 August 2023

A start date at last!

Last Monday I had to visit the Guy’s Hospital Cancer Care Centre near London Bridge Station for a hydration briefing and urine flow test. This was followed by a second visit on Thursday for a CT scan, after which I was given the schedule of dates and time for my radiotherapy treatment. This will start on Tuesday 29th August and should end on Wednesday 18th October.

I’m not sure whether I will suffer any side effects but I’m hopping that if I do, they won’t be too bad. I am hoping that travelling to the treatment centre in Sidcup won’t impact too much on my normal daily routine. One thing I am certain about: it won’t be as tiring as having to go to London Bridge during the rush hour has been!


  1. Hi BOB,
    Seems a long time coming though now you have a firm starting date which is great for you. Hope everything goes smoothly for you with the traveling and the actual treatment- all goes well you'll certainly be on top of the world by the end of October and feeling a whole lot better. Best Wishes. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      Having a start date has really raised my spirits … and although eight weeks sounds like a long time, I’m sure that the time will whizz past.

      All the best,


  2. I hope all goes well, Bob. Look after yourself. Arthur

    1. Arthur1815 (Arthur),

      Cheers! I’m hoping that the treatment will not impact too much on my daily routine as most of the appointments are during the late afternoon.

      All the best,


  3. Replies
    1. Mark Cordone,

      Cheers! Thanks very much for your best wishes: they are greatly appreciated.

      All the best,


  4. I've found having a schedule helps to ease many anxieties. Now if you can get traffic to cooperate everything should move along nicely. Well wishes to you Bob.

    1. Mr. Pavone,

      Having a treatment timetable means that my wife and I can plan our lives with some degree of certainty. At least getting to the hospital where almost all of my sessions are taking place is relatively easy. According to Google Maps, it is only six miles away and the drive should take less than thirty minutes during the rush hour.

      All the best,


  5. Sounds like good news, Bob - good to have a date to plan around. Hope all goes well!

    1. David in Suffolk,

      Cheers! I never like working without a plan, and now that I have a start date, I can plan what I can do during the next few months accordingly.

      All the best,


  6. Great that you have some definite dates now Bob and fingers crossed the commute, treatment and side effects all work in your favour. Wishing you and yours all the best!

    1. Steve J.,

      Cheers! Thanks very much for your support and kind words. They are much appreciated.

      I can now plan my life around my treatment, which is very reassuring and helps to reduce my self-inflicted worry-related stress.

      All the best,


  7. Bob,
    I've been out of touch for awhile because of my wife's several illnesses, so it wasn't until today that I discovered what you've had to deal with. I feel the same frustration that I've felt regarding my wife--there is nothing I can do besides sending my best wishes, and as many positive thoughts as I can muster--they should be able to cross the Atlantic, and not even our respective postal services will be able to dip their hands in for a cut.
    With all affection and respect,
    P.S One of your previous posts mentioned the health people must give you a tattoo to indicate where certain procedures must take place. is it too late for you to ask them to ink a skeleton with a knife in his teeth, and the legend "Bad to the Bone"? Just a twisted thought...

    1. Chris,

      Thanks for your kind words, and may I reciprocate by offering my best wishes to you and your wife. Long term illness can be very mentally as well as physically debilitating for everyone who is involved.

      All the best,


      PS. I have three crosses tattooed on my pelvic area (one at the front and one on each side) and hope to have them removed or elaborated after my treatment. I’ll bear your suggestion in mind if I opt for the latter! ;^)

      All the best,



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