
Tuesday 29 September 2020

Getting used to using the 'new' Blogger

It has taken me over a week, but I am gradually getting used to using the newest version of Blogger. I still prefer the so-called legacy version ... but I am slowly getting there.

Part of the problem that I have is that I like to format my blog posts as I type them, adding any images as I go. With the 'new' version of Blogger, I am currently finding it easier to type first, then format and add images.

What I do not like is the way it is no longer easy for me to scroll back through my previous blog posts. As I scroll down, I keep getting a message that it is 'Loading more posts ...', and then there is a time lag whilst it does. As I have written nearly 4,500 blog posts since I started back in 2008, you can imagine how tedious this can be.

As I expected, once you get used to its 'new and improved' features (whatever they are!), the 'new' Blogger is all right to use. It does mean that I can no longer use HTML as much as I did (something that I actually enjoyed!) but things change, and so must I.


  1. So I like to add blocks of picturesat the same time. Highlight them all, they start downloading and one stops.... so you have to stop the process and then try again. Old blogger saved the images, new blogger it is start again - they've gone. Three or four slow attempts later finally manage to upload everything...
    Then try to add labels... drop down menu gone so have to type them in - I know new version will search for words in text automatically but that's no good for key words that aren't in the text.
    That's apart from the fact my followers list still won't show!
    Love this new version!

    1. Rob Young,

      It is interesting to read about the different approaches bloggers have to writing their blog posts, and how much those differences are affected by the way the legacy and new versions of blogger work.

      I must admit that I haven’t experienced the problems with images that you mention, and I wonder if that might be related to the size of the images. I rarely use images that are more than 2000 pixels in their largest dimension, and it might be that the new version of Blogger has difficulties with larger images.

      I am having no problems with adding labels. I just click underneath the relevant down arrow in the sidebar, then click in the space that appears, and my list of existing labels appears. I select which ones I want by scrolling down and clicking on them.

      All the best,


    2. On labels that's how it used to work - now I get a message 'no matching suggestions'!

    3. Rob Young,

      If that message appears and you click underneath it, a list of labels should appear ... or at least it does when I use Blogger.

      Good luck,


    4. I have found that when I upload blocks of pics from my machine, the order sometimes gets all tangled up. Anyone else found that?

    5. Archduke Piccolo,

      I’ve not yet experienced that problem But I suspect that others might have.

      All the best,


    6. I had loads of problems loading images in the early version. Now I end up having manually select each image in the reverse order to how I want them to appear. At least it appears to work doing that, rather than just hanging uselessly and then crashing.

    7. Martin Rapier,

      I must admit that I have not experienced that problem, but having to upload them in reverse order does seem a rather odd solution to it. However, if it works, then it is better than it not working properly or at all!

      Ah! The joys of getting used to a 'new' piece of software!

      All the best,


  2. Hi Bob,
    I find that it is easier to Write a Heading and a brief Introduction - then Load all the photos in- putting text for each photo as you go along...anyway,glad your getting use to the NEW Version. Cheers. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      Interestingly, I do it the other way around. I write the text, then add the photos ... and at present, it seems to work all right. I’ve found that I can still use HTML for some things, so I don’t quite feel as much of a dinosaur as I did when I first started using the newer version of Blogger.

      All the best,


    2. Hi Bob,
      I've been using the NEW Blogger for some weeks and I'm very use to it now after a rather shaky start. I now find it better than the older version. I've just put up another Post about my 6mm BACCUS - IMAGINATION is good to have new emerging Projects. Regards. KEV.

    3. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      I still prefer the legacy version ... but I’m beginning to get used to the newer version.

      I’ll be paying a visit to your blog later today, and look forward to seeing your 6mm figures.

      All the best,


    4. Hi Bob,
      Yes- Thanks- that'd be great for you to visit my Blog. I've listed your Site on my Favorites. Have a great day there in London. Regards. KEV.

    5. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      I automatically read your blog posts using Readly, which updates several time each day.

      All the best,


  3. So far my one and only new Blogger post worked fine, aside from trying to understand the new icons and the fact that it keeps on saving all the time, thus slowing the whole process down. The Legacy version was so much easier to use and, as far as I can see, the new one is hardly any different. So in that case, why change it?

    1. Steve J.,

      I really don’t see why they had to change Blogger ... but I’m told that it is supposed to make it easier to use and to enable it to be more compatible with tablets and smart phones.

      I still prefer to old legacy version ... but I’m gradually getting used to the newer version.

      All the best,


  4. If this does improve functionality with mobile devices (it does), then hopefully a major win will be a new generation of bloggers who are more likely to engage via their phones and tablets and keep the blogosphere dynamic with content.

    1. Norm,

      If it does achieve greater functionally, then it will be worth the minor inconvenience of moving over from the legacy to the new version of a Blogger.

      All the best,


  5. Its a plot to keep our 'little grey cells' active and alive!

    1. Ross Mac,

      Mine certainly need to be kept active and alive!

      All the best,


  6. I'm slowly coming around New Blogger, kicking and screaming ever so gently.

    I also have a backdoor for using Legacy a little while longer, especially for the larger projects.

    1. Viscount Eric,

      I think that it is taking time for regular bloggers to get used to the changes ... but it will take time before it is fully accepted.

      Good luck with your continued use of the legacy version.

      All the best,


  7. Hi Bob -
    For mine, I don't see the changes as any kind of improvement. I'm not really interested in its alleged compatibility with my smart phone - I use the latter for phone calls, messages, calculator and alarm clock. Occasionally a torch.

    I had formed the habit up-loading pics very early in the process of writing up a post: title fist, possibly an introductory paragraph, then the picture 'en bloc'. But I've occasionally found the picture-order screwed up, which is a bally nuisance to fix. Has that happened to you?

    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      I don’t think that the new Blogger is an improvement, but it seems to be another case of someone, somewhere thinking that change = improvement = progress.

      For general blog posts, I tend to start with a title, then write the text, followed by adding any images. In the past, I used to format my blog post. As I went along, but since the new Blogger came online, I do it at the end. For battle reports, I write a paragraph or two, then add a image or two, then write the next paragraph and so on.

      To date, I haven’t had the problems with images being uploaded out of order. If it happens, I know enough about HTML to ‘cut and paste’ the relevant code for a misplaced image so that it will be where I want it to be.

      All the best,


    2. H'mmm... Good point. I hadn't looked into massaging the HTML to obtain the formatting I want. Must investigate.

    3. Archduke Piccolo,

      HTML! The last refuge of the aged blogging nerd ... or so it would appear to be!

      Good luck with finding something that works for you.

      All the best,



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