
Monday, 24 March 2025

Operation Varsity: Eighty years on

Today marks the 80th anniversary of Operation Varsity, the largest single airborne operation of World War II.

Operation Varsity was part of Operation Plunder, the Allied operation to cross the northern Rhine River and enter Northern Germany. It was mounted by US XVIII Airborne Corps, which was commanded by Major General Matthew B Ridgway. The Corps comprised British 6th Airborne Division, US 13th Airborne Division (which did not take part in the operation), and US 17th Airborne Division. Their drop zones were located between the Diersfordter Wald, the River Issel, and the towns of Hamminkeln and Wessel. It was the largest airborne operation ever conducted on a single day.

The objectives set for the two divisions that took part in Operation Varsity were as follows:

  • British 6th Airborne Division: Capture the villages of Schnappenberg and Hamminkeln, clear the northern part of the Diersfordter Wald (Diersfordt Forest) of German forces, and capture the three bridges over the River Issel.
  • US 17th Airborne Division: Capture the village of Diersfordt and clear the southern part of the Diersfordter Wald of German forces.
  • The two divisions were then to hold the territory they had captured until they were relieved by advancing units of 21st Army Group.

Despite some confusion due to elements of US 17th Airborne Division landing in the wrong places, the objectives had been captured, and by nightfall the 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division had linked up with British 6th Airborne Division. By morning of the next day, the first of twelve bridge had been constructed across the River Rhine.

My father took part in the operation as a member of 53rd (Worcestershire Yeomanry) Airlanding Light Regiment, Royal Artillery, and he was the only veteran who attended the special commemorative event held at Firepower, the Royal Artillery Museum, in 2006.

He was treated as an honoured guest by the museum staff and the members of the 89th (Parachute)/317th (Airborne) Field Security Sections re-enactment group. The latter were portraying 53rd (Worcestershire Yeomanry) Airlanding Light Regiment, Royal Artillery at the event, and my father had several photographs taken with them.


  1. Respect!
    We are grateful for his service.

    1. Roger,

      We owe that entire generation a great debt. Even those who did not fight worked in some way to achieve the eventual victory.

      All the best,


  2. My maternal grandfather was in the 13th Airborne Division. According to him, they were all ready to go with the 17th and British 6th, but the orders never cam down to accompany the other two formations. I've still got his leather bound division book on the bookshelf in our library.

    Kind Regards,


    1. WSTKS-FM Worldwide (Stokes),

      I understand that there wasn’t sufficient transport capacity to include the 13th Airborne Division in the initial drop, and that when the other two divisions achieved their objectives within 24 hours, they were stood down. I think that there were plans to drop them to secure objectives during the drive across Germany, but that the advance went faster than expected and the airborne assaults were called off.

      All the best,


  3. My father was a member of the British 6th and landed safely nr Hamminkeln Germany. In 1949 we immigrated to USA. Today in Tucson Arizona I am flying the Union Jack to honor them all. He passed away in 1997 at 84, proud Airborne till the end.

    1. Out there somewhere,

      It's great to hear from the son of another member of 6th Airborne! They were members of a truly great generation and they left their mark on society.

      My father was proud to have served in 6th Airborne and to have taken part in the Battle of the Bulge and Operation Varsity. Some years ago I was able to fulfil a promise I made to him when I managed to visit Wismar, the final place in Germany that 6th Airborne 'liberated'.

      All the best,


  4. Nice to see the pictures of your dad Bob, obviously enjoying himself.

    1. Geordie an Exile FoG,

      Luckily the anniversary celebration took place before his Alzheimer's had begun to show, and watching him pick up a .303 rifle and go through the manual of arms was like seeing him as he must have been when he was eighteen-year-olds. On that day he was truly a young man again!

      All the best,


    2. Geordie an Exile FoG,

      It is a memory that I hold dear.

      All the best,


  5. BOB,
    My Father served in the Australian Army for five years as a Corporal - he was based at Moratai in the Pacific fighting against the Japanese. I do not know much about his service as he was pretty secretive about it. Good to see that you have these photos from 2006. Regards. KEV.

    1. Kev Robertson (Kev),

      In the UK relatives can order a copy of their parent’s service record. I assume that the same is true of Australia and it might give you a valuable insight into your father’s war record.

      I know of someone whose father always told them that he had a quiet war doing very little … and it turned out that they had been involved in clandestine operations in the Middle East.

      All the best,


  6. My grandfathers served in the South Pacific during WW2 while my grandmothers worked in manufacturing in the US. 2 of my great uncles served in Europe, one supposedly on the Red Ball Express. I don't remember the facts too clearly as I was only 8 years old when they were still alive.
    I do know that I love the camouflage patterns of those days and I may try replicating the ones in your photos.

    1. Mr. Pavone,

      By remembering the roles played by our forebears during the Second World War, we are honouring their memory and the part they played in creating the world we live in.

      The British Denison Smock was worn by the Parachute Regiment well into the 1970s and the Royal Bermuda Regiment as late as the early 1980s.

      All the best,



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