
Sunday, 16 March 2025

Other people’s Portable Wargames: Antoine Bourguilleau’s modern version of the Portable Wargame

Even though I am still rather unwell, I just could not pass up on the opportunity to mention Antoine Bourguilleau’s modern version of the PORTABLE WARGAME rules. He staged a game using the rules at the recent Paris Defence and Strategic Forum alongside his own game, DUEL TACTIQUE.

Antoine Bourguilleau's wargame, DUEL TACTIQUE.
The cover of the rule book from Antoine Bourguilleau's wargame, DUEL TACTIQUE.

Antoine Bourguilleau has kindly uploaded French and English language editions of his modern version of the PORTABLE WARGAME to the files section of the PORTABLE WARGAME Facebook page.

Two French defence journalists – Clément Daniez (of L'Express) and Laurence Defranoux (of Libération) – playing Antoine Bourguilleau's modern version of the PORTABLE WARGAME. It was the first time either of them had tried wargaming!
A close-up of Antoine Bourguilleau's modern version of the PORTABLE WARGAME.
Another close-up of Antoine Bourguilleau's modern version of the PORTABLE WARGAME.

Antoine Bourguilleau is a historian, wargame designer, reserve officer in the French Army, and lecturer at the École de guerre and the Institut d'Etude de la Guerre et de la Paix en Sorbonne. He was also one of the authors of THE PORTABLE PIKE AND SHOT WARGAME.


  1. Do you know who published Duel Tactique?

    1. Nigel Drury,

      I understand that it was published by the French Army. It is used at the Ecole de Guerre.

      All the best,


    2. Correct, though we are considering a commercial release that could hit the shelves late 2025. The specifics of the rules is they are based on the French COPD : you must attribute missions to your units / something Hexblitz owner might be familiar with (but the rules tend to be more complicated)

    3. Antoine,

      I think that I know quite a few people who will want to buy a copy when it is released.

      Funnily enough, I’ve actually been looking at revisiting - and updating - Hexblitz.

      All the best,


  2. A great looking game, and the rules are interesting as well.

    1. Mark Cordone,

      It has certainly piqued my interest!

      All the best,


  3. All most interesting, Bob! If you do plan on revisiting Hexblitz, I'd be keen to assist with a play test, using my 1:300 scale forces. I may be looking into working out some 'Map Game' using them, myself.

    1. Archduke Piccolo (Ion),

      Thanks very much for your kind offer. I’d welcome any feedback on the revised rules … once I’ve written them!

      All the best,



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