
Saturday 23 September 2017

Leipzig on the lawn

This morning I am off to central London to take part in a re-fight of the Battle of Leipzig ... the first figure-based wargame I will have been involved in since early July.

The battle has been organised by Tim Gow and others, and will feature over two thousand 54mm toy soldiers, a large lawn, and some rules inspired by H G Wells' LITTLE WARS. Amongst those rumoured to be taking part are Conrad Kinch, Tradgardmastare, and David Crook ... but I won't definitely know until I get there.

I hope to publish a selection of photographs of the battle in due course.


  1. Replies
    1. The Good Soldier Svjek (Tony),

      Thankfully the weather was fine, although it did cloud over once or twice.

      All the best,


  2. Replies
    1. Dan Foley,

      Hopefully I'll be able to write an illustrated blog entry about the battle very soon.

      All the best,


  3. We have the space here, but I think it might be a bit impractical getting everyone here! Have fun.

    1. Stephen Briddon,

      We could everyone over to the US ... but the cost of bringing over 2,000 toy soldiers with us might be problematic!

      All the best,



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