
Sunday 30 June 2024

Armed Forces Day, Woolwich, on 29th June 2024

This year Woolwich Barracks was the only Armed Forces Day celebration held in the whole of London District. Had I been mobile, I would certainly have gone to this event, but luckily Sue as able to spend an hour or so there on my behalf and took some photographs of the vehicle display.

I am hoping that I'll be mobile enough to go next year.


  1. Hola Bob

    Bonitas fotos, Sue hizo un buen trabajo.

    Vi su mapa en la publicación anterior y si quiere puedo ayudarle con el dibujo (soy ilustrador aficionado). Si lo desea dígamelo y le envío mi dirección de email.

    Espero que se encuentre mejor. Gracias y mis mejores deseos.

    1. Hello Bob

      Nice photos, Sue did a good job.

      I saw your map in the previous post and if you want I can help you with the drawing (I am an amateur illustrator). If you want, tell me and I'll send you my email address.

      I hope you feel better. Thank you and my best wishes.



      Sue is a dab hand with a camera, even though whe doesn't think so.

      Thanks very much for your kind offer with regard to my map. At preent I am still working out where I want thing to go and I suspect that this schematic will be chnaged several times in the process. Perhaps I will be able to take up your kind offer when I have finalised the map.

      All the best,

      Robert (Bob)


      Sue es hábil con la cámara, aunque él no lo crea así.

      Muchas gracias por su amable oferta con respecto a mi mapa. Por el momento todavía estoy averiguando dónde quiero que vaya todo y sospecho que este esquema se cambiará varias veces en el proceso. Quizás pueda aceptar su amable oferta cuando haya finalizado el mapa.

      Mis mejores deseos,

      Roberto (Bob)

  2. Well done to Sue for allowing you to enjoy the show vicariously! Let's hope next year you can get to go in person.

    1. Steve J.,

      She did a great job and would have liked to have stayed longer.

      I'd love to be mobile enough to go next year ... and will do everything I can to make sure that I'm fit enough.

      All the best,



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