
Tuesday 24 September 2024

Hare & Hounds: Maudlin Jack Tar's suggestions

One of my regular blog readers is Maudlin Jack Tar*, and he recently sent me some ideas that he has had for the development of the Hare & Hounds board for use as a mini-campaign aid.

His design for the board looked like this:

Please click on the image to enlarge it.

He pre-set the terrain for each large square using the following method:

  • Roll 2D10 dice, one for woods and one for hills for each Large square.
  • The score indicates which small square is populated (e.g. D10 die roll score for woods = 3; D10 die roll score for hills = 7).

The D10 die roll score determines which type of terrain goes in each small square. For example, Woods = 3 and Hills = 7 would produce the following terrain:

  • If both dice roll the same number no scenery is placed.
  • If the die roll is a 10, no scenery of that type is placed.
  • If there is a town in the centre of the large square and a 5 is rolled, no scenery of that type is placed.

He has also produced a set of campaign rules to go with his version of the Hare & Hounds board, and I understand that he intends to use them with a forthcoming Ancient mini-campaign.

Frankly, his thinking is already way ahead of my own as far as terrain generation is concerned, and I will be using Maudlin Jack Tar's version as a starting point for my own development of the Hare & Hounds board.

* Maudlin Jack Tar's blog is entitled PROJECTS AND PROCRASTINATION and I cannot recommend it too highly.


  1. Bob,
    That is an interesting way of generating terrain for the H&H campaign map, and ideal if the map need bear no relation to any real areas or locations, although rather too much die rolling for my taste.
    For my 1814 campaign, I would prefer to pre-prepare battlefield maps or select appropriate ones from a source such as those in Thomas's One Hour Wargames. I have several ideas to reflect the fact that one side is operating in its homeland whilst the other is advancing into unfamiliar territory, which I will put in my Compendium article.

    1. Arhtur1815 (Arthur),

      I think that this simple system is ideal for an imagi-nation mini-campaign and I am looking to develop it.

      The use of dice to generate terrain may seem a bit tedious, but in the absence of a 'real world' map to base the H&H board on, I cannot see a simple way to achieve something random without relying on pre-drawn terrain setups similar to those in Thomas's excellent books.

      I think that your ideas are ideal for creating an H&H board for a 'real world' mini-campaign and I look forward to including them in the next Compendium ... possibly alongside Maudlin Jack Tar's and my own so that potential users can adapt the methodology to their own requirements.

      All the best,



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