
Saturday 21 September 2024

Something built

Back in August I bought a Faller kit to assemble. It has the code number B-924 and is named 'Old-town block'. The box looks like this:

The model contained sufficient parts to build several buildings ...

... but being the sort of modeller that I am, I 'mixed and matched' bits from several of the buildings (and some embossed plastic sheets from Wills Kits*) and ended up with a total of eleven buildings and a section of town wall. The end results looked like this:

I still have some bits and pieces left over, and intend to put them to one side in the hope that I can use them if and when I buy another Faller (or similar) kit.

* I bought the following embossed plastic card from Wills Kits:

  • Wood Planking

  • Plain Tiles

  • Fancy Tiles


  1. Hello there Bob,

    They look really nice and I note the (intentional?) use of smallish table footprints - with a nod to the Portable Wargame perchance? :-)

    Eric’s terrain collection contains quite a few of these kits and I believe there may even be some unmade versions but I would have to check with Bill.

    Very nice looking with a real old school vibe!

    All the best,


    1. David Crook,

      It was the potential small footprint of the buildings that appealed to me as I knew that I could use them with my PW terrain.

      If Bill has any similar kits or completed buildings he wants to get rid of, I’d certainly like the opportunity to acquire some.

      All the best,


  2. They are lovely Bob! Are you going to paint them or leave them in the plastic?
    The German HO an N gauge buildings by Faller, Kibri etc are very nice.
    I have some, but was discouraged when I won a really nice lot of built second hand ones on eBay, only to have the seller's wife send me the wrong parcel. I even sent it on to the correct person at the seller's instructions but never saw my rather nicer parcel of buildings! Someone got a windfall!

    1. Neil Patterson (Neil),

      These European building kits aren’t cheap these days but they have so much potential for modification. I have a large box of HO buildings that I acquired many years ago and these are currently in storage.

      I am probably going to leave these buildings as they are although I might repaint one or two bits on some of them.

      Sorry to read about your mishap with the misdelivered parcel. I’ve never had that happen to me but I can 8 agile how frustrating that must have been.

      All the best,


  3. Hi Bob

    You certainly got your money's worth out of that kit!
    I have to admire your imagination, I would have just completed the kit as sold.

    Although I always liked the Faller kits, I always felt they lacked a little character. I must prefer your adopted versions.

    Well done


    1. Paul Leniston (Paul),

      I think that they worked out at about £2.50 each, which I think is a bit of a bargain.

      These European building kits can look a bit bland at times, so I always try to modify them a bit to give them some individuality and character.

      All the best,



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