
Monday, 10 August 2009

Joseph Morschauser's gridded rules available online ... thanks to Vintage Wargaming

For those of you who – like me – enjoy reading about the wargames other people were playing during the early years of wargaming, you cannot do better than to visit the Vintage Wargaming blog.

Amongst other things it has a series of entries – most of them illustrated with scanned in copies of the original documents – about Joseph Morschauser’s wargames rules. These include the complete text of his famous gridded wargames rules as featured in the May 1967 issue of WARGAMER’S NEWSLETTER (Number 62). These are the rules used in the colonial wargame featured in pictures in Joseph Morschauser’s book HOW TO PLAY WAR GAMES IN MINIATURE and Donald Featherstone’s book ADVANCED WAR GAMES.


  1. Oooohhh!! Lots of goodies on this one! I have already printed off the JM Gridded rules for a look. Many thanks for heads up Bob - much appreciated. Who knows? My hankering fo a 54mm set up may yet see the light of day - especially as the Armies in Plastic 54mm NW Frontier figures are very nice.......MUST STAY FOCUSED...MUST STAY - you get the picture!

  2. Ogrefencer,

    I have been looking around for a game to put on at next year's SALUTE, and a game using Morschauser's 'Frontier' rules (but using 20mm or 15mm figures) is a contender.

    Keep focused!

    All the best,


  3. Hi Bob,

    Thanks for the link to a great site. It brought back a lot of memories as I looked around.

    Charlie Sweet's 1963 article in Sport Illustrated is what got me to believe that playing with toy soldier was "ok." Hey real adults do it, why not me? I've never looked back.

    I also remember being lucky enough to meet Jack Scruby when he lived in Cambria, California. His "soldier store" was great.

    I'm smelling mimeograph ink. A pleasure the X generation will never know.

    Old? I'm not old, I'm vintage.

    Thanks again.


  4. Jim,

    I am glad that you enjoyed what was on the Vintage Wargaming blog as much as I did. I look back at some of the wargames that were fought then and feel that the 'modern' generation have 'missed out' on a lot or fun and enjoyment.

    I like the idea of being 'Vintage' rather than 'Old', especially as I seem to have been feeling my age (59, catching up on 60) for the last few days. That thought has made me feel a lot better!

    All the best,



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