I only found out that this show was on very recently, and as it was taking place at a venue that is less than fifteen minutes drive from my home, I felt that I had to go ... and I am very pleased that I did!
SKIRMISH actually takes place twice each year (in March and September), and it is described in the handout that I was given when I arrived as covering wargames, toy soldiers, Warhammer, and military modelling. The first three of these were particularly evident, and there were more than 50 traders selling a vast range of items from 54mm plastic toy soldiers to 6mm scale microarmour. The venue was a local grammar school in Sidcup, Kent, and the show was spread around the foyer area and two halls, one of which contained the demonstration and participation wargames and the 'bring and buy' stall.
Not knowing quite what to expect, I went with no preconceived ideas about what I might buy. In the end I bought a couple of DVDs and a model kit.
The first DVD that I bought was OMAR MUKHTAR: LION OF THE DESERT.

This film is set in 1929, when the Italians were trying to crush the remnants of the Libyan resistance to Italian colonial rule. The films stars Anthony Quinn as Omar Mukhtar, Oliver Reed as General Rodolfo Graziani, and Rod Steiger as Mussolini.
I saw this film when it first came out in 1981, and never realised that it had been released as a DVD. As it covers two of my areas of interest – colonial warfare and the interwar era – it was a 'must buy' when I saw it today.
The second DVD was a boxed set that contained GODS AND GENERALS and GETTYSBURG.

Whilst I have seen GETTYSBURG (it is jokingly referred to by several of my friends a 'Men in Beards'), I have yet to see GODS AND GENERALS. With a bit of luck I might be able to watch both films 'back-to-back' during my forthcoming Easter holiday ... if circumstances allow it!
My final purchase was made purely by chance. I happened to meet an old friend who was also visiting the show, and during our conversation I saw that one of the traders was selling some model tanks made by Pegasus Hobbies.
I have recently bought quite a few models of the 'Jaguarundi' tank with an eye to using them as the basis for several projects (the turrets for use on ironclads, the tracks for 1930s/40s tanks for my imagi-nations etc.), and thought that they were very good wargames models for the price. This time I bought the kits of the KV-1 (M1940) and KV-2 Soviet Heavy Tanks.

I was very pleased with this purchase because I discovered – when got home and opened the box – that both models could be made up as either the KV-1 or KV-2; in other words, I got four turrets for the price of two!
These 'spare' turrets have already made me think about the possibility of using them to arm armoured gunboats or armoured trains. In particular, the KV-2 turret, with its 152mm gun, would make quite a potent armament for a 15mm scale coastal defence ship as the gun would scale out as having a calibre of 211mm (or 8.3 inches).