
Tuesday 6 August 2013

A parcel from Australia

One of the people that I met at the very first Conference of Wargamers (COW) that Paddy Griffith organised was Greg MaCauley. Although he moved to Australia not long afterwards, we have remained in contact over recent years thanks to the invention of emails and the Internet.

A week or so before I went on my recent cruise Greg sent me an email informing me that he was sending me 'a few' Britains 54mm-scale figures to add to my growing collection. Thanks to the vagaries of the postal system, the Post Office tried to deliver Greg's parcel on the day after I left for my cruise, and I was not able to pick it up until yesterday. This is what it contained:

If this is 'a few', I would hate to think what 'a lot' would look like!

Greg's gift (for which much thanks must be publicly recorded!) will enable me to field an even bigger Funny Little Wars army than I previously had, and gives me a considerable amphibious capability. All I need now is some suitable model boats to make that capability a reality!


  1. Cracking gift Bob!

    What a hero you are Greg!!


  2. Jim Duncan,

    I cannot agree more ... and I cannot thank Greg enough!

    All the best,


  3. I received an unexpected gift at the weekend.

    I hinted at it on my blog.

    A future blogpost will make it clearer!

  4. Jim Duncan,

    I am suitably intrigued ... and look forward to reading more on your blog in due course.

    All the best,


  5. Greg is one of the people who is most responsible for my own delvings into what is now 20+ years of wargaming, and someone I still game with when geography allows. His friendship and generosity opened up many different periods to a struggling student, something I am still thankful for.

    Good luck with Little Wars project.

  6. Anthony,

    Greg is a good bloke ... and I envy you the opportunities that you have had to wargame with him.

    The Funny Little Wars project is a slow-burn one ... although over the past two years I have managed to build up quite a number of units.

    All the best,



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