
Wednesday 25 January 2023

The Franco-Prussian War of 1810: 8th April to 11th April 1810

On 7th April 1810, the Prussian 3rd Division attacked the French 2nd Division to the southwest of Leipzig.

As a result of the Battle of the Leipzig Gap, the Prussians were forced to withdraw, having suffered the loss of 9 SPs to the French loses of 7 SPs.

The Prussian 3rd Division recovered 3 SPs from the Prussian Replacement Pool, which now stood at 33 SPs. The French 2nd Division recovered 3 SPs from the French Replacement Pool, which now stood at 41 SPs.

Turn 20: Saturday 8th/ Sunday 9th April 1810

As a result of their defeat in the Battle of the Leipzig Gap, the Prussian 3rd Division fell back to P9.

  • Red 8: French moved 4th to O11 (1)
  • Red 5: French moved 4th to O10 (1)
  • Black 7: Prussians moved 3rd to Q9 (1)

Turn 21: Monday 10th April/Tuesday 11th April 1810

  • Red 9: French moved 4th to P10 (1)
  • Red 7: French moved 4th to Q10 (1)
  • Black 9: Prussians moved 2nd to P9 (1)

The French 4th Division had moved into a square that was adjacent to that occupied by the weakened Prussian 3rd Division and attacked them.


  1. Looking forward to the next battle report.

    1. Mark Cordone,

      I hope to fight it by the middle of next month.

      All the best,



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